Jessica Gallagher

Buffalo, NY, United States

Apr 02 at 06:59 AM

Heyy Costanza! Wishing you all the best. And yes, Happy 4th Anniversary to M/BDOY!! 

For me, I keep a simple attitude and "Strive for 5" each day. 3 veggies and 2 fruits. The way we experience food can be so personal and meaningful that it's not an easy task to give suggestion but I can share my experience. 

Where I come from, our Buffalo Food Culture is a huge part of who we are and the foods are rich. We have our traditional foods of Polish-American, German-American, Irish-American, and Italian-American.

Yesterday we had our Śmigus-dyngus celebration throughout the city. On St. Patricks day we all enjoy Corned beef and cabbage because we're all Irish on St. Patricks day.  During Lent season, every bar and restaurant serves Fish Fry on Fridays. And then we have our Buffalo Pizza & wings , sponge candy, Sahlen hot dogs, Beef on weck... so the food culture is real lol There are so many local places that honor and celebrate where they come from and it's so beautiful and personal. 

Apr 02 at 06:39 AM

YAY!!! and this photo is everything right now! So beautiful. 

Apr 02 at 06:37 AM

Incredible! Thank you for sharing your Proud Momma moment with us. 

Apr 02 at 06:36 AM

Working with my hands to create something for the sense to delight in . My go to are:

Cooking with fresh ingredients for my family. 

Gardening/Planting- laying down fresh soil and mulch, taking care of the plants and flowers. 

Puzzles: playing Chess with my husband, sudoku puzzles, and jigsaw puzzles.

Giving my doggy all the pets and all the love!  

Mar 22 at 10:42 PM

That's awesome Celcilia!! I hope you have a wonderful trip and conference next month 💗 


Mar 22 at 10:39 PM

Molly, I'm deeply sorry to hear the news of your grandfather. My heart and my prayers go out to you, your grandfather, and your entire family. Grief is painful, and I understand how painful and gut wrenching it is. When I experienced moments of grief it was difficult to navigate movement because it was too much and I wasn't ready to face it, I was delicate & raw. Take all the time you need. Take up as much space as you need. Giving you a warm hug and embrace. So much love to you and your family. We're here for you, always. ❤️ 


Mar 22 at 10:25 PM

Megan- my heart smiles as I read your words. Thank you for sharing with me. It's beautiful when we can open up and be honest with ourselves even when it's uncomfortable- there's something freeing when we tell ourselves the truth. I get so caught up that I have to be something im not or meet some unrealistic expectation & I feel this odd sense of shame that I struggle sometimes or feel like a burden for experiencing unpleasant emotions and then desiring love and support. Im so grateful & amazed for M/Body and the space we've all created. It's comforting to know I'm not alone in this. It can be unsettling when things change abruptly but your so right, feelings are fleeting and they are not forever. I'm in the midst of accepting those changes and figuring out how to accept them with grace. Also, I feel for you that you've had hard moments. Im here for you. Its really nice to hear your words. Your strength gives me strength. Thank you. 💛 you got this! We got this! Lots of love!!


Mar 22 at 05:36 AM

Thank you Becca!! You're the bestest!!!

Mar 22 at 05:35 AM

It's always great hearing from you Mary-Ellen. 🥰 Thank you sooo much!!! 

Mar 19 at 09:30 AM

Love this quickie workout! It has everything in 20 mins! Thank you!!