Jessica Gallagher

Buffalo, NY, United States

Jan 26 at 05:11 PM

Omg Happy Birthday Thalia!!!! Have a spectacular trip and Birthday!!ย 

Jan 26 at 05:10 PM

Woot woot! Thanks Sabrina!!ย 

Jan 26 at 05:09 PM

Love to you too Cara!!ย 

Jan 26 at 05:09 PM

Wow, wow, wow Laura! Lots of big and exciting moments happening in your life!! Congrats to you to your husband on your first home- cheers! And grad school, that's awesome! I hope your shoulder feels better.ย 


Jan 26 at 05:07 PM

I'm so glad you're doing well Miranda!ย 

Jan 26 at 05:05 PM

Yes, you will make it through Emily!! Keeping you in my prayers tonight for a speedy and full recovery!ย 

Jan 26 at 05:04 PM

I'm sorry to hear this Dana. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayer. Keep that positive attitude strong!!ย 

Jan 26 at 05:02 PM

Peace be with you Logan. Thank you for sharing with us, I understand how tough that can be. Keep your head up and your heart up- you'll make it through. Love you!ย 

Commented on Mid week check in!

Jan 26 at 04:57 PM

Hi Danni! It's good to hear from you! How have you been? I hope well. It's cold and snowy here on the East Coast but we are making the most of it and embracing it. It's been a challenging week with feeling unmotivated but keeping the discipline to press on!! So it's been good. And I love my new barre. Im so grateful for it. And I'm grateful for this community and all the love here. Thank you!!!!ย 

Replied on Perseverance

Jan 26 at 04:53 PM

Aw thanks girl. It means a lot to me share my thoughts and reveal my heart to you all.ย