Jessica Gallagher

Buffalo, NY, United States

Jul 20 at 06:33 PM

That's so cool!

Commented on Little swear selfie

Jul 20 at 12:04 PM

Cheers and celebration all around my friend! So glad your back and settling into your new place.

Commented on M/<45 CORE SCULPT /301

Jul 18 at 11:10 AM

Such a fun class! Great cardio and strength series. The form is mainly in parallel position with one 4 sets of 8 in wide second. No formal plank or push-ups in this class.ย  Lots of fun with the ab series! Def adding to my favs.ย 

Commented on Summer Fun ๐Ÿ 

Jul 18 at 09:40 AM

You have a beautiful family!

Jul 18 at 09:37 AM

May God Bless his family during this period of mourning and grief. I am so sorry for your loss and that this tragedy occurred. He sounds like he was a brave good family man, may peace be with his spirit. Truly inspiring words that have touched my heart. I'll be keeping you and his family in my prayers. God Bless. Love you Jess.

Jul 13 at 08:43 AM


Commented on Keep up.!!

Jul 13 at 08:42 AM

That's the spirit Camila!

Commented on I did it!

Jul 13 at 08:41 AM

Super model Chantale over here!!

Jul 13 at 08:41 AM

Absolutely stunning Chantale! ๐Ÿ˜

Jul 10 at 02:21 PM

Love it! Love it! Love it!! It's always special when our loved ones share a workout together. It's the same with my husband and its special when we share an M/body class. Shyam is awesome! You too rock!!