Jessica Gallagher

Buffalo, NY, United States

Commented on Live today

Aug 12 at 11:20 AM

Happy Anniversary my love!! 17 years is inspiring! Cheers to your marriage. 

Replied on August Love

Aug 08 at 05:34 AM

Aw, thank you love. I love our chats here on the cb. I always appreciate your support!

Replied on August Love

Aug 08 at 05:34 AM

Thanks Marisol! I hope your doing well! Love yah girl

Aug 08 at 05:33 AM

Leah! This warms my heart. I bet you two had a blast. 

Commented on Beach Week!

Aug 08 at 05:31 AM

That sounds incredible!! Totally awesome you're extending your challenge to fit in family vaca time. I love it! ❤️ and nice photo btw


Aug 08 at 05:30 AM

Starting off my day with a spinach, peach, ginger, and chia seed smoothie. 


Aug 05 at 05:35 PM

I hear yah Monique. And yes managing a lot on my end as well, it hasn't been easy and there's growing pains that come with it. I've been board hopping too and doing my best to stay on track. The wellness activities have really kept me grounded. You are always so wonderful and kind. Thank you for inspiration and support. 

Aug 05 at 05:32 PM

Hey Rachel, the live was awesome. And I totally understand, we're here for you!! I hope the live brought out the inner peace, joy, and strength for you.  

Aug 05 at 05:29 PM

Isn't that the best feeling??! Super cute! 

Aug 05 at 05:28 PM

Your'e going to love it!! I'm with you in spirit!!