March 16, 2024

What a year this has already been. I lost my mom at the end of January. I was her care giver, as her and my father lived with us. She was my mom, my best friend, and best grandma to my kids. This has been a pain unlike any other, but I made a promise to her and myself that I would commit to being as healthy and strong as I could this year. So I gave my self the 365 days of m/body challenge. One workout a day even if it is only 10 minutes, everyday. So far I am 76 days into it and it really helps. So many emotions being released, muscles being challenged, as well as my mind. I am so beyond grateful for Marnie and what she has created. I have been doing M/body for almost 4 years and it always keep me on my toes. To all those hurting, suffering, feeling lonely, or in pain, know you are not alone. This group is amazing for support and kindness. This to shall pass. Bright days are ahead. Be in the light!