Jessica Gallagher

Buffalo, NY, United States

Mar 17 at 02:26 PM

Thank you Suzy! I can feel the love. Sometimes we just need a hug. Thank you 😊 


Mar 17 at 02:23 PM

You are awesome Faith!! Keep doing your thang love! Glad you're doing well.

Mar 17 at 02:21 PM


Mar 17 at 02:21 PM

Omg!!! This is amazing news! I love LOVE! Congrats Whitney!! And yes, gorgeous ring! So happy for you!


Mar 17 at 02:20 PM

Congrats!!!! This is absolutely beautiful! Welcome to the world to your beautiful granddaughter. 😍 I'm so glad to hear everything's going to be alright and they are coming home. Cheers!! 


Mar 17 at 02:18 PM

Beautiful Leslie,  I am sorry for your loss and your grief. My heart goes out to you. I am familiar with the pain you and your loved ones are experiencing, for my mom passed away as well. Your words and your spirit are inspiring ✨️ Your outlook is bright and bold, and that is such a gift for your loved ones. To face this challenge with a brave spirit and warm heart shows us that these times may not be easy, but there is hope and love. That feels warm, safe, and comforting. 

I once heard,  "The hardest part of saying goodbye is having to do it again every single day. Every day we face the same truth. That life is fleeting. That our time here is short. And to honor the fallen, we must live our own lives well." Continue to honor your mom's life by living well as you are. M/BODY is so incredible and it's amazing to hear how this environment of taking care of ourselves has helped us on individual journeys. Thank you for sharing with us. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Lots of love. 


Mar 17 at 02:04 PM

Hey Jamie! Thank you so much for sharing, it truly helps. Sometimes those emotions of anxiety and grief can feel so isolating and that fear of judgement or misunderstanding can be overwhelming. Thank you again. That's awesome to hear things are the upswing! And yes crying is a great stress relief. I've been looking into massage therapy and body work again. I appreciate the hug and inspiration. I'm glad I reached out for support. It's humbling in the best ways. Love u lots! 


Mar 15 at 06:47 PM

Thank you Jenny G!!! 😊 

Mar 15 at 09:37 AM

Chantale Desjardins sure thing love! Let us know what your experience is like, I'd love to here what you think! And thank you!

Mar 15 at 09:29 AM

Just want to say thank you for the love and support G-fam. Your love and kindness is with me and so appreciated 💓 
