Jessica Gallagher

Buffalo, NY, United States

Mar 14 at 10:32 AM

That's perfect, I just what I need. I love a giant squishy hug!! Thank you for the embrace Nicole. It helps!! 


Commented on M/<30 ARM DANCE /360

Mar 14 at 10:31 AM

I love this style of the Arm Dance class, it feels unique to the other arm dance classes. I feel so amazing. Lots of fun and relaxing for the mind. Awesome playlist. Adding to my favs! Thank you!! Marnie- you're an awesome teacher!! So grateful for you. 

Mar 13 at 07:00 AM

Thank you love. I'm so accustomed to giving and taking care of others that asking for some TLC is humbling and beautiful. I appreciate it and I appreciate you!! 

Mar 13 at 06:57 AM

This is so beautiful and honest Amanda. It's inspiring to know you're a photographer and artist. This self-portrait is moving. So happy you shared because it's inspiring my creativity over here. Really awesome girl. 


Mar 12 at 07:30 AM

Cass!!!!! Big hugs! Thank you for sharing about your hard times. It gives me hope (Hearing-Other-Peoples-Experience) that everything will be alright. This community is the closet thing I've ever had to girlfriends. I'm used to doing everything on my own and it's nice having having support and women to talk with, it's still so new to me. I've opened up before and have been rejected and laughed at, and it remains difficult to open up again and to trust myself. I still sometimes think I have to do it all myself and have it all figured out, and it's too much pressure living in that space.

Thank you.  Thank you for taking the time share this with me. And such a wonderful reminder too. Thank you for being so kind and giving me inspiration. That is a beautiful gift. And BTW, "4) All the colors (the journey IS the destination and you are here to be fully, authentically you in every hue of your glorious self!)" is fav- it's totally bringing me out of my cage. You're a rock star Cass! Love yah! 

Mar 12 at 07:17 AM

That means a lot to me Lindsey!! I appreciate it and I certainly will ✨Thank you!!

Mar 11 at 09:24 AM

Hey Emily- You are always so kind and sweet. And I appreciate you too. I can feel the love. Thank you so so much!! 

Mar 10 at 09:23 PM

Thank you!! 💛 The kind words and support makes my heart smile and I'm so grateful. It just sucks feeling down and out of control but I'm so glad for our space because I do feel safe & comfortable to express myself. Being able to talk about it helps tremendously. This space is a gift I cherish. Thank you! Lots and lots of love.


Mar 10 at 08:27 PM


Hey G-fam. It feels uneasy to ask for support and some love ❤️ I still have old messages in my mind that I have to be tough, hard, and independent when things feel overwhelming but truly, madly, and deeply I love being soft and gentle along with connecting with others. I need some kindness and a warm embrace in this moment. ✨️ I have my period and it's been a whirlwind of emotions and anxiety, plus it's still snowy in Buffalo with constant overcast and I've been going through it. Lots of old painful memories coming up and since I've hit 30 yrs old new connections and perspectives on my life have been showing up. As awesome as it is & with opportunities to heal old wounds, it's frigging overwhelming and scary in some moments. I need to feel and know I'm not alone. My mom is passed on & my sister and I are not close, so I don't have many women in my real life that I can rely on and trust. So, I could really use some kind words please. Thank you and so much love to you all! ❤️