Jessica Gallagher

Buffalo, NY, United States


Apr 11 at 08:07 AM

Hey fam! Reading your list has been so inspiring & uplifting. Thank you. Last week I was feeling "meh" and when I reflected on the week my entire perspective changed. Cheers to all of us.



Apr 02 at 11:22 AM

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Hey fam. Here are a couple pics from my morning walk. Wishing you all a loving Saturday โค Keep up doing the best you can. Love you all.



Mar 29 at 07:48 PM

My super power is love. To be love, to give love, to receive love, and repeat โค

In this life, it has been love that has guided my path, love has given me strength, love has given me sight to see the beauty in the world, to be generous & forgiving, and love to embrace all of me & all of you.



Mar 26 at 07:58 AM

Hey fam!!

For today's wellness task, I let go of the idea of "should have" or "have to."

This idea comes from a place of judgement which stems from fear. It ultimately leads to a downward spiral of shame, guilt, confusion, & doubt.

Then I don't get to apprecaite and enjoy where I'm at in the now because the mind searches the solve the "problem" of should've, could've, and have to... And it all began with an idea.

So no more. Love is acceptance, joyfulness, peace, and so many other postive emotions wrapped into one. So today & everyday, I let got of ideas and concepts that lead to fear. I choose to embrace love.

Love you all! And I accept and embrace the beauty within our community. See you wonderful humans at the LIVE today!



Mar 17 at 08:41 AM

My goal for the week had been to continue my push-up journey. Well, today during our 45 family fav I was able to complete the full set of push-ups on my toes.

This means more to me than gains because it goes beyond physical strength. It's the emotional journey for me. I know I'm physically strong but for years I didn't like myself and I didn't allow myself to believe in myself. Today, I believed in my inner strength & I felt worthy to embrace my physical strength.


I love you all!! Thank you for being with me as we navigate this journey of life together. โค



Mar 09 at 05:41 PM

Hey everyone. I'm incredibly grateful for this community feature because it's been so much fun connecting with you all so far. I don't have Facebook and I planned on doing this challenge solo but I'm happy we can do this together.

I've been a fitness enthusiasts forever & I love that I found this space. I feel safe & connected in each class. I found Marnie on YouTube a few years ago, and I never imagined she'd be my teacher now. These workouts just speak to my soul! It's amazing how life works out. I'm happy I joined M/Body. My heart decided to sign up and I had no idea what to expect and I took the leap anyway.

All of the post here have been inspiring & comforting. You all rock & I'm cheering all of you on! Thank you all!! Sending my love and gratitude across the globe. We rock!!



Mar 06 at 01:17 PM

Just finished day 2! I wanted to post a pic into the previous post and it didn't make it.. lol Anyway, It's nice to meet you all! I believe in you all!



Mar 06 at 01:06 PM

Hello beautiful fam! This is my first challenge and I'm committing to 60 days. I trust my heart and soul to guide my path on this journey plus I have faith in myself that I accomplish my hearts desires. ๐Ÿ’•

In honor of day 2, I release the fear of fear and anxiety haunting me. I'm giving my nervous system a break and I thank my body for keeping my safe. It's time to give back to my body break from the anxious thoughts and embrace the love.

Sending love to you all across the globe and embracing the love in my heart. โค