Jessica Gallagher

Buffalo, NY, United States


Aug 25 at 08:47 AM

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This is the beautiful, intelligent, hyper Piper!



Aug 22 at 05:33 PM

Cheers to the new challenge board fam!!

In honor of the new challenge, what are your top fruits and veggies you typically pick up from the market?? I'm looking to try some new things and would love to know your go to favs!

*photo credit- pinterest



Aug 22 at 09:37 AM

I am truly grateful for this space and the workouts we share. Whether I'm having a good,bad, or ugly day, M/BODY and the global fam is there. I feel so lucky. You are all so kind, honest, loving, beautiful, generous, and plus more. Today I celebrate this amazing platform along the Marnie and the team, these incredible workouts, and all of us who share & embrace this work. It may not be easy but it's worth it. You are all in my hearts. Thank you for always showing me kindness ๐Ÿ’“ thank you for all the good you all do in this world.



Jul 25 at 08:05 AM

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I come to the mat everyday because I made a commitment to treat my body well. Over time, I have fallen in love with the challenges our workouts bring because it means I am embracing my aliveness. Today I celebrate life as I do everyday because life is meaningful & significant in my eyes. Workout celebration M<45 Sweat 185!



Jul 22 at 09:17 AM

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Embrace the love in your heart. Share it. Feel truth in your soul. And express beauty in all corners of your world.



Jun 09 at 01:08 PM

Hey beautiful fam! Just dropping in to say I LOVE YOU ALL! I Love my life! And I love this world! You are all so incredible and magnificent.

I'm just so happy I'm here with you all doing this beautiful work. I love it. โค๏ธ

To those heading to NYC this weekend, have a wonderful time. ๐Ÿ˜Š cheering you all on.



Jun 01 at 06:57 PM

My heart is beaming โค๏ธ

  • Love. Our M/BODY fam is full of love. Thank you all sharing your love and kindness. It matters. It certainly has had an impact on my life. Thank you.

  • Power. Today I felt my power. It used to scare me but after today, I get it now. I used to use my power to abuse myself with disempowering thoughts and that doesn't feel appealing anymore because I experienced power on the other side. The past is dead weight and heavy burden to carry. I let go of the heartache and fear I use to carry that once kept me safe. I honor that and move on gracefully.

  • Confidence. I have it. I used to hide from it. And now I don't want to. That's not of service me or anyone. I experienced freedom in my body and I honor that confidently. It's safe for me to embrace and express all that I am.

  • Friendship. Life is sweeter with good friends and family. Thank you for always reminding me I don't have to go it alone. I lean into the love and support we share.

  • Turtle. The turtle totem showed on my hike this week. It reminds that it's okay to go slow. I have lots to explore and experience, no need to rush.(reminds me of Marnies sayings) The turtles shell is not separate from its body for the shell is a part of the turtles spine. It is the turtles home. My body is my home. And I am the love of my life. Thank you turtle for the beautiful message.

Thank you all. Keep shining. Keep thriving. And continue to fall in love every chance you get ๐Ÿ’•



May 03 at 08:19 AM

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I am so grateful to have participated in this Challenge with you all. Thank you for welcoming into this beautiful global family and accepting me as I am.

I feel loved & I'm just in awe as I reflect on the past 60days and witnessing the work I've accomplished.

Cheers to us all. I love you all!



May 02 at 08:46 AM

My pic didn't attach in the previous post. I wanted to share some photos with you all.



May 02 at 08:45 AM

โค Participating in this Challenge together has been a beautiful blessing. Thank you!! I started the challenge right around the time I joined M/BODY.

Throughout the Challenge, I realize I can let go of the idea that " I have to do things on my own." I can surrender to love and continue to allow love to be the guiding light.

I have learned that I do not need to take on my thoughts & become them, for my thoughts are just thoughts, they are not who I am. Who iam cannot be described in words but rather experienced.

We are all across the globe and some have never met face to face and I consider you all friends and family. You all have given me love, support, and encouragement and that is beautiful. Its been a pleasure to share that love back to you all!! Letting that love in & out has had an amazing impact on my life. Thank you all! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Wishing you all well. Sending my love to you all. And everyday is worth celebrating!