Jessica Gallagher

Buffalo, NY, United States

Apr 08 at 05:39 PM

Love it!!

Apr 05 at 04:54 AM

☝️Yesss, I want to know! Please drop the fashion tips Marnie! I miss the links in the older videos of where her outfits are from. 


Apr 04 at 10:57 AM

To answer the question: "At 6 years old, what did you want to be..."

When I was 6 years old, I wanted to be a gymnast and a figure skater! When I watched the Olympics witnessed the women perform the gymnastics and the figure skating, I felt so alive! It was so beautiful for my eyes to see. My enthusiasm for this sport was met with ridicule, laughter, and doubt the moment I expressed myself to my family. I was told, I was "too fat", we were "too poor", and that it was "unrealistic" to think I could ever be a gymnast, skater, or dancer. "You could never do that," is what I was told. I didn't stand a chance. So that desire was crushed and I was so afraid to ever try out any sports or dance out of fear of being laughed at. To which I then decided, "I want to be loved, and to love... I want to be supported and encouraged by family..." It's why being here dancing with you all means so much to me. I get live my dream of dancing and I am so grateful. 

Apr 03 at 05:28 AM


Apr 02 at 08:48 AM

Thank you !! Happy 4 Years Everyone!! This space and these workouts have had such a wonderful impact on my life. I am so happy with M/BODY. It's like, my years of working out and love for dance and for health has led me to this moment today. Incredibly grateful. Thank you. M/BODY is so unique that it intertwines love, healing, commitment + perseverance, fitness of the will, and compassion for self and others. It is  honest and gentle with truth and strength. You don't get that anywhere else. Thank yoou!! 


Apr 02 at 07:14 AM

Growing up with a Polish background from my dad and Southern Black background from my mom, we would always combine cultures and have Soul Food dishes and Polish dishes on holidays. Food for me is a celebration of who we are and where we come from to honor celebrate the ones who came before us. I used to try to "diet" but it only confused me and I ended up feeling like a bland generic fake person... I didn't feel like me. Taking culture in consideration and the foods I grew up with, I just make wise choices now. I eat for my body and for my soul. I don't restrict-I don't over-indulge. I don't look at food as "good" or "bad", I just see it as food. It made feel so bad when women would say to themselves or myself that this particular food is bad for you... or being food shamed... So I made my own way, I just make my fav foods and make them "healthy": less butter or fat, substitute certain ingredients, add veg here or fruit here and make it my own. There is so much freedom to be had!! 


Apr 02 at 06:59 AM

Heyy Costanza! Wishing you all the best. And yes, Happy 4th Anniversary to M/BDOY!! 

For me, I keep a simple attitude and "Strive for 5" each day. 3 veggies and 2 fruits. The way we experience food can be so personal and meaningful that it's not an easy task to give suggestion but I can share my experience. 

Where I come from, our Buffalo Food Culture is a huge part of who we are and the foods are rich. We have our traditional foods of Polish-American, German-American, Irish-American, and Italian-American.

Yesterday we had our Śmigus-dyngus celebration throughout the city. On St. Patricks day we all enjoy Corned beef and cabbage because we're all Irish on St. Patricks day.  During Lent season, every bar and restaurant serves Fish Fry on Fridays. And then we have our Buffalo Pizza & wings , sponge candy, Sahlen hot dogs, Beef on weck... so the food culture is real lol There are so many local places that honor and celebrate where they come from and it's so beautiful and personal. 

Apr 02 at 06:39 AM

YAY!!! and this photo is everything right now! So beautiful. 

Apr 02 at 06:37 AM

Incredible! Thank you for sharing your Proud Momma moment with us. 

Apr 02 at 06:36 AM

Working with my hands to create something for the sense to delight in . My go to are:

Cooking with fresh ingredients for my family. 

Gardening/Planting- laying down fresh soil and mulch, taking care of the plants and flowers. 

Puzzles: playing Chess with my husband, sudoku puzzles, and jigsaw puzzles.

Giving my doggy all the pets and all the love!