Jessica Gallagher

Buffalo, NY, United States

Sep 13 at 02:53 PM

Omg, thank you but M/BODY has been such a gift to us all and I am just so grateful to be a part of it. It's amazing how we all contribute to this absolutely beautiful space. ๐Ÿ˜ Love you all!!

Sep 13 at 02:51 PM

Congratulations Brittney!! ๐ŸŽŠ Twins!!!! I hope all the best for you and your babies. This is great news! So beautiful ๐Ÿ˜


Sep 09 at 10:56 AM

Faith Kellyย - I got the chance to listen to the playlist this morning. I added it to my library. Thank you! I loved it. I used to sing and play a smidge bit of piano, so it's comforting listening to our fam. Def in good company. I miss singing so much. You all inspire me. Can't wait to here more about your tour!ย 

Sep 09 at 10:53 AM

Big hugs Brenda- thank you sharing yours.ย 

Sep 09 at 10:49 AM

Leah Hapner- Awesome!! Look out for my email at jdrzal17@gmail.comย & I'll write back :)ย 

Sep 08 at 07:30 PM

Hey Rochelle KaplanRudolph I'm sorry to hear about your pain. I can imagine its not so fun. Im sorry youre going through this.

I experience on and off knee pain in my left knee. For me, it's typically when I am leaning to forward in particular knee bent positions which is remedied by stacking my ankle to knee to hip alignment. My left ankle is weaker than my righ and it tends to roll in causing a chain reaction to my knee and hip. I purchased an affordable ankle brace and ill wear it on occasion to get a lift in that ankle. I'm not exactly sure what you're experiencing but I hope it gets or has gotten better!! Love you lots Rochelle! I hope you are well!


Sep 08 at 07:22 PM

This is awesome and inspiring!


Sep 08 at 07:22 PM

Leah Hapner your goal of writing a card or letter is something I used to a years ago and I loved it. Thank you for reminding me of this beautiful act. It is now something I plan to come back to. Thank you โค๏ธ


Sep 08 at 07:19 PM

Hey Nina, how are you? This is a great question here and wonderful comments.

Currently, I've began meal planning/prepping. I cook from scratch (mostly) and I found its incredibly simplistic and creative. I've found joy and peace in this. It lessons my anxiety to know what the family meals are regularly. We eat the same weekly, unless it's a special occasion. Its veggies, fruit, grains, and protein. And yes, balancing out eating plenty of protein for has been a priority, I'll have protein shake when needed, specifically on days I weight train. I began weight lifting with my husband a few months(along with m/body routine) a few times a week for my personal goals and bonding with him.

I drink my water, take a multi-vitamin, not too much caffeine, and a daily walk as a meditation and to get fresh air, sunshine,and perspective. And most importantly, loving others whole heartily, remembering we all human who are worthy of love and respect.


Sep 08 at 07:03 PM

Congratulations on your 7 th tour Faith!! That's incredible. And I just checked out the playlist! I'll be listening on my morning walk tomorrow. Thank you. And thank you for sharing and honoring your gifts. โค๏ธ love you lots!