Logan Verburg

Enfield, CT, United States


Jul 08 at 11:39 AM

Happy Monday, folks! ✨ Make today count! I’m thinking of doing one of the cardio dance classes today; they’re always my favorite. Fun, sweaty, energizing, joyful! I love, love, love getting to move my body in a way that feels good to me and unique to my identity. I would LOVE to see more cardio dance classes! What does the community think? ❤️



Get ready to get sweaty!!! This easy to follow dance cardio...


Jun 03 at 05:49 PM

Hi sweet fam. It’s been a while! My health has been ebbing and flowing like crazy, making it difficult to workout consistently. But I wanted to update how thankful I am for this community. Your consistent positivity and bright outlook on life inspires me to keep going at my own pace and take it day by day. I look forward to getting back to a live workout here and there, when I am able to. Keep on keepin’ on, ya’ll. ✨



Feb 20 at 02:25 PM

Hello all. I’ve missed this community so much! I was recently diagnosed with a seizure disorder, and I FINALLY got a workout in after about 7 months of not being able to. Not being in control of my body has been one of the greatest obstacles I’ve ever faced, but I’m grateful for the ability to move & flow with Marnie and the community again! My boy Archie even got a stretch in with me. Be in the light, ya’ll! ✨



Jun 16 at 10:16 PM

I’m not sure if anyone else struggles with this, but I need to know…I find that I really struggle to make it through the moves in a lot of these workouts, if that makes sense? For example, Marnie will start a 3x8 move set or something with a deep squat and ask us to hold it and I find it so challenging. I either lack the willpower or my body physically hurts, and I can’t tell if it’s a “push-through-it pain” or a “keep-going-and-you’ll-pull-a-muscle” pain. Anyone relate with this? I’m just in a mental “funk” and could use some wise words maybe. Thanks all 💕✌🏼



Oct 15 at 10:08 AM

Ya’ll I fractured my foot about a week ago and haven’t been able to work out since then. Please leave me some words of encouragement for when I get back into the game. I’m so worried about starting over again and getting my groove back. 😩



Oct 06 at 01:27 PM

Hey ya’ll! This is my first post on here so I wanted to give a little hi to everyone and say that I am so thankful for such an uplifting, positive, and welcoming community on here. I can’t wait to continue sculpting, sweating, and stretching with you. ☀️❤️

p.s. Say hello to my fur baby Simon!