Miranda M

May 06 at 09:45 PM

A few days late to the party, but I loved this one! My hips feel so good after all those tucks and my hips don't lie :)

May 04 at 06:50 AM

Oh me too! ‘80s all the way :)


May 03 at 09:44 PM

1 / 3
2 / 3
3 / 3

Photos to go with post below! :)


Commented on Challenge complete!

May 03 at 09:43 PM

My photos didn’t post! Posting again above!

Commented on Challenge complete!

May 03 at 09:43 PM

My photos didn’t post! Posting again above!


May 03 at 09:42 PM

So stoked to see all your challenge boards and hear your stories! I completed 60/60 workouts and 50/60 wellness challenges. I pushed myself in ways I didn’t think was possible through a very stressful time at work and came out the other end stronger and more confident. I even did the push ups on my toes today and just feel amazing (even though I have a cold). I think one of the most rewarding parts of the challenge was connecting with all of you - I am so grateful for the support of this community- it is hard to put into words.

I don’t know how I coped with life before M/body - this platform has truly changed my life. I went from being in chronic pain and going to weekly physiotherapy to being pain free. I went from being in constant stress maxed out adrenal not sleeping mode to actually being able to rest, prioritize and focus on myself and family. It’s not (all) about the weight, but I have dropped 30 pounds (over 5 months). And I feel strong - I did push ups on my toes!

I am a little sad the challenge is over but so happy to have made this connection with all of you. Congratulations to everyone!!


Commented on Day 59- Reflections

May 02 at 09:20 PM

LOVE! ❤️❤️❤️


Apr 28 at 09:57 PM

I had the kind of day that started with urgency at 6am at work. I also have a sick child at home. By 4:00 I felt defeated and exhausted. Although I have completed every workout for this challenge so far, my head space was not going to allow my body to do the 60 minute workout tonight. I was going to eat a giant bowl of pasta and lie on the couch. Then - ding! A work email. Oh no, what now? To my surprise I got some amazing work news about a major project getting approval that I have been working on for a very long time. This was my reminder - I can do hard things. I can get up, dust myself off and get this done! I did today’s workout and loved every minute of it. And I feel reenergized. Words cannot express how grateful I am for this platform. It has truly changed my outlook on life. 😘


Apr 27 at 09:00 PM

Loved this one! That Britney medley was so fun. And it got me to laugh (instead of cry) at the absurdity of my day. Agree with Monique, Marnie Magic! <3

Apr 25 at 10:24 PM

I loved it too! So sad the challenge is almost over!