Miranda M

Commented on 21 Day Challenge!!!

Jul 02 at 05:11 PM

Hi Lauren - doing the same as I couldn’t make the live this morning! This is my second challenge and I LOVE them so much!

Jun 30 at 07:04 PM

I haven’t been able to get to the mat for a few days because I am recovering from salmonella poisoning. This discussion about gut health was just what I needed! On the mend now and craving movement (but not quite there yet).

Jun 26 at 05:09 AM

Welcome Robin! Great to meet you - I started doing the YouTube videos as well and taking the leap to join M/body was the best decision ever!

Jun 25 at 08:13 AM

Hi! I did the same thing! My username is mir.pandabear


Jun 25 at 08:11 AM

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Hi all - I thought I would share these photos of my daughter, Aubrey. She had a bike parade at school and she had the idea to decorate her bike with a pride theme because, in her words - “some people think you can’t love who you want and I don’t agree with that.”

People stopped her on the road to praise her bike, her classmates cheered for her and her principal sent us a note applauding her championship of love and diversity (we won’t talk so much about the parents who complained).

I feel like we can all use a little hope right now - I know Aubrey will never stop fighting for equality and I will never stop fighting for her. Sending so much love to you all.


Jun 21 at 07:07 PM

My favourite parts were the punches (as usual) with the plié series/jam song!

Jun 20 at 09:20 PM

We have to lobby for the PNW Amanda! :)

Jun 20 at 09:19 PM

Late to the party, but just finished this workout! So cool to watch people experience the m/body magic for the first time. I feel like I pushed myself a bit harder during this workout and am now dripping with sweat! So great to see Marnie in her element and am seriously thinking about trying these Osea products - I can only imagine how amazing they are!

Commented on Phenomenal Girl!

Jun 19 at 07:14 AM

I love this so much!

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /107

Jun 18 at 06:39 PM

Chose this one randomly today! My daughter was cheering me on during the 80’s montage bit. So good!