Miranda M


Mar 28 at 08:36 PM

This photo goes with the post below (it disappeared on me!)



Mar 28 at 08:35 PM

It took longer than 20 minutes, but I finally decluttered Aubrey’s bookshelf. I am gifting a laundry basket full of books to my cousin who just had a baby girl. I limited myself to keeping just one shelf of baby books for nostalgia purposes. We love books in this house - this is isn’t even all of her books - she has a full shelf on her desk, one in my office and one downstairs. Baby steps … but at least we don’t have stacks on the floor anymore!

Now to declutter the rest of the house …

Also - check out the RBG book - I took it out in honour of the Phenomenal (Wo)man workout tomorrow! 👑



Mar 17 at 08:31 AM

I just signed up - who’s coming? 😍



Mar 15 at 04:51 PM

My goal for this week is to keep up with challenge while on vacation. I brought Marnie with me to beautiful Ucluelet BC, Canada :)



Mar 11 at 09:33 PM

Wow - did I ever have a long day. 10 hour work day and one hour commute home. Walked the dog, fed the dog, fed the child, put the child to bed. I didn’t get to work out until 9pm. I am not going to lie, there were moments that I wanted to lie down under the piano bench with the dog, but I did it! And will be back on the mat in 12.5 hours to see you all at the live! Happy Friday to everyone and happy last day of work before a week off to me!



Mar 08 at 01:36 PM

My biggest challenge is going to be not working when I am on my vacation next week. I am very very bad at unplugging.

I also started Noom to get my nutrition on track. I stress ate and worked my whole way through the pandemic. I am 22 pounds down and getting my life back and owe so much of this to M/body.

Happy International Women’s Day to all of you! I am pushing myself by doing a 60 minute workout on a Tuesday night! We’ve got this :)