Whitney Mattocks

Thanks for sharing your story!!! Love how it turned out!

Commented on Added Challenge…

Apr 18 at 07:19 PM

This is amazing. My son didn’t quiz me on characters while working out but he did at dinner the other day and he was so disappointed when i didn’t know them all!!

Commented on Change of Goals!

Apr 18 at 07:18 PM

Yay for listening to your body!!

Commented on New Rhythm

Apr 18 at 07:18 PM

I totally feel you! I have had the luxury of working from home the past two years and have gotten so used to working out at lunch. I go back to the office in two weeks and it’s the workout schedule that has me the most bummer!! I love hearing your mindset!! I’m going to have to learn to be ok if i can’t get an M/BODY in every day and that will still be ok!

Commented on Board 3!!

Apr 14 at 11:42 AM

I loved today’s class!! Although my legs were feeling it by the end so I actually skipped a few of the jumps at the end and actually listened to my body for once ha!

Commented on Something Beautiful

Apr 13 at 01:24 PM


Apr 13 at 01:24 PM

I feel like i need to buy that micro ball now!!

Commented on 5 great things

Apr 12 at 03:01 PM

Man I love this family!! Thank you for all your kind words!


Apr 12 at 10:21 AM

First - I appreciate how nice and legible everyone else’s notes are compared to mine ha! This has been a busy week at our house with the biggest great thing being I got a new job offer. I’ll still be working at Nike but I get to go back to working in Nike kids. My job is a little undefined still but one of the areas I get to investigate is how to get kids and parents more involved in sport which is definitely a passion of mine so I’m really excited!! And then my husband who also works at Nike found out he has a second interview for an elevated role so we’re thinking all the good thoughts for him too!!


Commented on Wonderful things!

Apr 12 at 10:18 AM

Woo hoo to Hawaii!!!