Whitney Mattocks

May 08 at 02:43 PM

I was just coming on to say the same thing!! You said it perfectly!

May 05 at 07:57 AM

Also, what kind of horrible work thing makes you get up at 4:15???

May 05 at 06:32 AM

I loved the playlist today!! And i did it on actual Cinco De Mayo so it was the perfect way to start the day!!

May 05 at 05:27 AM

Yeah, got it in week 2 of the challenge 🙈

May 05 at 05:26 AM

Get it lady!!!


May 04 at 09:53 PM

1 / 3
2 / 3
3 / 3

I posted on IG but putting them here too! I did every single workout on the 60 day challenge and did all but 3 of the bonus challenges (celery, the apple and no sugar got me!) So proud I did this through all the things I had going on…two vacations to Hawaii and Austin, a crazy job interview process, having covid myself (didn’t tell many people) and then 6 weeks later my husband getting covid and turning 40!! And I loved that all of you were there cheering me on!! This seriously is the best community ever. I am so lucky I found all of you!


May 04 at 09:46 PM

1st workout postpartum is huge!!! Yay!!

Commented on Catch up

Apr 26 at 03:12 PM

Same here! Had to play catch up but thankfully there have been some short ones lately! That strap stretch was awesome!


Apr 21 at 09:16 AM

Ok guys I’m getting really bummed the challenge is almost over. I love having the board with my daily workouts all planned out. Does anyone know if there is an easy way to see a list of all the workouts in order? Like instead of looking around is there any where I could easily get links to class 1, 2, 3 etc? I think after this challenge I want to start with OG Marnie classes and work my way up. Thank you!



Apr 19 at 03:46 PM

I think that my younger self would be shocked at where my career ended up! Up until college I hated working out/fitness so much that my mom would write me notes to get me out of PE. I had zero confidence and still remember dreading days we’d have to play volleyball or softball because I’d always get picked last. I found my love of fitness in college and ended up working for Nike where now I’m in one of the highest digital positions you can be in for my skill set and I now get to help set a strategy to help get kids into sports. Sometimes I want to pinch myself that the girl who was picked last now gets to try and change that for generations of kids!!