Leah Hapner

Denver, CO, United States

chocolate connoisseur, barefoot kitchen dancer

Commented on Superpower

Mar 31 at 09:42 AM

Any tips?! I’m trying tap into my intuition -I am four days into a tarot class!

Commented on Stolen Mat

Mar 31 at 09:39 AM

My cat does this every morning. And then when I move her she meows like “excuse you. wth do you think you are doing?!”

Replied on Superpowers!

Mar 30 at 06:04 AM

Thank you, Jessica! It is a great movie! I like sports movies more than real sports. Lol.


Mar 29 at 05:59 PM

My favorite superpower of mine is that I bring people together! I have learned, much like “Field of Dreams”, if I build it people will come. I have a way of making others feel welcome and valued.

My other superpower is ideation. Maybe only 1 of the 15 are viable, but if you need and idea, I likely have a few!


Replied on Letting Go

Mar 29 at 06:17 AM

(Oops, hit the button) I was in a “conquer” mode for my first challenege and was so proud that I did it all! It got me to regular exercise 5-6 days per week. While my goal is 45 classes for this challenge, I’m not stressed that I’m not meeting exactly that due to other things in my life. Sunday I took a 30 min walk in the sunshine. It was glorious! We need to be gentle with ourselves. :)

Commented on Letting Go

Mar 29 at 06:14 AM

Ditto!! I was in a “conquer”

Mar 28 at 06:47 AM

I agree that it was nice to see everyone's faces and voices! I totally teared up at the end of the video. For not having met anyone in person, I feel like we are all kindred spirits (to paraphrase one of my other favorite Canadians, Anne of Green Gables). Thank you for being awesome!


Mar 21 at 06:51 AM

Finally getting around to posting! This class was SO much fun. And that playlist! Chris Stapleton at the end?!?! I hope we do have a country class coming up!


Replied on Tomorrow’s Live

Mar 12 at 09:29 AM

Tell it to my heart! YES

Mar 12 at 09:27 AM

Small town WI too!! From which are you? I’m from Hayward, now living in Denver.