Leah Hapner

Denver, CO, United States

chocolate connoisseur, barefoot kitchen dancer

Oct 08 at 12:30 PM

I want more!! I liked everyoneโ€™s responses so hopefully they count twice. ๐Ÿคฃ It was very challenging and I felt like the rewind button was my best friend, but it is good to go outside of our comfort levwl and try new and difficult things.


Commented on M/<30 FULL BODY /3

Sep 29 at 06:32 AM

I enjoyed and felt all of active stretches in this one. Must be needing that! I grabbed the ball to support some of the floor ab work, so have it handy just in case.

Sep 28 at 06:51 AM

This is a sprint for me and is so fun! Lots of jumps if you want โ€˜em!

Sep 25 at 10:48 AM

Ditto on stretch! Iโ€™m feeling like I need more of those right now.


Commented on Mindshift

Sep 13 at 09:41 AM

Marisol!! I cant wait to hug you. It is brave to be vulnerable. So much is going on with your life! Iโ€™m glad you are getting a variety of support.

Commented on M/<30 FLOOR FLOW /312

Sep 08 at 04:24 PM

This was juicy and delicious. Even with my current shoulder tenderness and doing almost all plank stuff on my knees, it still felt amazing. Really noticed my inner thighs and obliques during this class.

Commented on Proud momma

Sep 07 at 09:07 AM

6 months ago I lost my baby brother at 27. Iโ€™m 37 so as a big sis I helped him reach those kid milestones like walking, talking, reading, riding a bike, etc Yesterday was the hardest day after the immediate shock. Sending you all hugs!

Commented on Rotator cuff down

Sep 07 at 08:29 AM

I slipped in side plank about 6 weeks ago and my shoulder has been a lot less mobile and tender. Iโ€™ve seen a kinesiologist who also does chiro (2x so far) and my mobility has increased and it is slowly getting better. I do think Iโ€™ll continue modifiying with knees and props for plank work for the forseeable future. Good luck with your recovery!

Sep 07 at 08:24 AM

Iโ€™m really trying to work on my balance between output (work, cleaning, groceries, the tasks of life) and input (soul feeding stuff like writing, art, reading, baking, noticing). I am great at getting things done, but not at sitting in the moment and letting awe find me. I did sign up for a 6 week painting class! I would like more 20 min stretches, 5-10 min meditations, or movements that require us to get gooey with ourselves and notice us.

Aug 07 at 06:34 AM

Echoing others on the greatness of this class! Really felt the activation in my left working leg. Was adjusting a lot for the right so will have to try again.