Emily Parker

Commented on Accountability

May 28 at 05:12 PM

I’m in! I’ll keep a record!

May 28 at 06:15 AM

My knees did okay. A little sore, but better after than before! Movement helped this time! Thanks for remembering, Lindsey. ❤️

May 27 at 11:10 AM

Well said! So fun and empowering!

May 27 at 11:09 AM

I did Barre Sweat 138. Great class! High fives everyone. And, support and honor to anyone that has lost a loved one who served in the military. Peace to all.

May 26 at 05:09 PM

Wow. I so appreciate the time and energy you put into this. I haven’t had any time yet to look that hard. Thank you so much!

May 26 at 05:07 PM

Thanks for the recommendation Cass!

Replied on A Time to Bloom

May 26 at 05:39 AM


May 26 at 04:45 AM

Thanks, Jenny! Hope your wrist is recovered.

May 26 at 04:44 AM

Thanks Lindsey! I’ll add that to my rotation- and do the no impact options!


May 25 at 02:12 PM

Hi Fam - I have knee arthritis and it’s flaring. The squats in wide second tend to aggravate it. Does anyone happen to have tips on classes with less wide second? I’ll be browsing on my own in the mean time. Thanks!