Emily Parker


Apr 16 at 08:21 PM

My favorite class on challenge board two is the M/<45 90’s Hip Hop Sweat /167. I enjoyed the moves, music, and the uplifting vibe. With the hardship our world is facing, Marnie’s words and the connection with the global fam were and are poignant.



Apr 15 at 08:33 AM

Hi Fam! I had a great moment this week. My chiropractor, who I have been working with for over a year to treat some deep trauma-related muscle tension and skeletal problems, said that they could really notice my improved strength, range of motion and alignment. They asked me what I was doing differently. I told them about M/BODY. They said, “Well, keep it up! And, can you send me the link? I want to share the link with my partner. It might be right for her.”

I was super encouraged and felt like it was awesome that a chiropractor would want their partner to try out M/BODY. Kudos to Marnie and the team for creating this amazing, healing space and work! I hope it is around for many years to come!

Super grateful…🙏🏻



Apr 10 at 03:27 PM

My list of wonderful things, with a bonus contributed by my 5 year old!



Apr 02 at 11:28 AM

Some how this didn’t make it into the last post



Apr 02 at 11:27 AM

Our Old English Sheepdog, Penny and our 5 year old daughter have an amazing connection. I love seeing their friendship grow as my daughter gets older. The dog has always been so gentle and attentive. Penny even woke me up and led me down the hall to Kate’s room one time in the middle of the night when Kate had a high fever. I think animals are miraculous and beautiful!



Mar 30 at 11:47 AM

Just found out today that I can do crow pose. I think all the M/BODY workouts have made me stronger and more connected to my body. So empowering! And thanks to my 5 year old for helping me discover I can do this!



Mar 30 at 10:46 AM

One of my super powers is my intuition. It has served me well through my life so far. I am learning to give myself enough quiet alone time so that I can listen to my heart and honor that intuition.

Another fascinating ability I have is to smell every little thing. It’s great sometimes but also annoying sometimes! I’m always the one detecting a gas leak or a weird chemical…



Mar 26 at 09:52 AM

I am in the process of letting go of my expectations of myself to do more, to do all the things. For me the pressure is less from outside and more from my own internal messages. I am settling in to being okay with working part time instead of full time, with having a body that needs to be honored more than pushed to do all. I am letting go of the busy and choosing a slower pace that allows for calm and mindful living.



Mar 20 at 11:46 AM

Hi Fam! How was the fundraiser this morning? I was thinking of you all…



Mar 17 at 07:44 PM

I’ve got a head cold. So I’m resting today. Hoping to be ready for the live on Saturday. Dance on, fam!