Emily Parker


Aug 24 at 10:43 AM

Here I am post live class today with my dog Penny. Love to you all! Can’t wait to see the other fur babies! ❤️



Aug 03 at 09:56 AM

Hi All! Enjoy the live class today! I’m in a busy and different stretch complete with moving, selling a house, buying a house, renting an apartment in the mean time, interviewing for jobs, and getting my mini ready for kinder! I’ve been keeping up with 30 minute classes on my own most mornings. Feels good to wake up with an M/BODY workout!

Looking forward to joining you again during live classes when this busy time subsides. ❤️



Jun 18 at 10:32 PM


Jun 18 at 10:31 PM

I’m not sure if this photo will show up well for you all, but I wanted to share. My daughter, aged 5, set up a fitness studio and led me through a dynamic exercise session, complete with meditation at the end! The dog was loving it too! Thanks, Marnie for being such a great model for the next generation! 💪🏻👧🏼



Jun 01 at 08:13 PM

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Sending joy and a virtual bouquet of Sweet Peas to you all!



May 16 at 06:10 AM

Sending some love and positivity to you all on this Monday morning! 💗



May 08 at 12:00 PM

Hello Fam!

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mamas! And to those who love and care and support and inspire as a mother does! 💗



May 03 at 10:02 PM

Hi Fam!

I’m in the middle of a very busy week so I’m keeping it brief. So proud of all of you and the amazing growth everyone is mentioning. I’m happy that I finished 45 workouts during the challenge, which was my goal! Now I plan to start from 30 minute workout #1 and move through the 30 minute workouts sequentially. It will give me structure! Alright. Good night!



Apr 30 at 11:39 AM

Thinking of you all, today. Did a class today at 10 a.m. PDT because it just seemed like the right thing. Definitely missed the live connection, but still felt the M/BODY love and positivity. Sending both to you, fam! ❤️



Apr 19 at 04:33 PM

I would say: “You are doing amazing! Keep believing in yourself and your dreams!” I would also say, “Keep connected to your knowing and intuition. They are powerful.” These statements apply not only to academic path, career path, health, romance, future parenthood, but most of all to how I was navigating my interactions with my family of origin. I am extremely proud of how I have handled myself, and I would want to let that badass girl know she is smart, savvy and oh so resourceful!