Ali Janning

Mar 05 at 10:48 AM

Something new happened during this workout! I noticed that sometimes I’m doing the work but can be a bit outside my body. Today I was really in this body and I felt it. I was more sensitive to how I needed to shape my personal body in order to feel that inner thigh sensation. I believe I hold lot in these hips and thighs and many of times in these area I am thinking of getting through verses feeling. Today I felt it, felt me, it was really something. Hard to put into words, but as I write this I feel some emotion coming through. Thank you for this!


Mar 04 at 07:30 PM


M/Body makes me feel free. A place to show up and honor my body as is and meet the strength I sometimes forget is there. Sometimes I get to be silly, sometimes still, and always 100% me. I show up for all the parts of me and I show up so I can keep caring for those I love. It’s where we always leap towards ourself and towards the light! Forever grateful. Movement should be joyful and M/Body is just that!

Mar 04 at 08:34 AM

This was beyond challenging one that I will come back to to keep getting stronger!! At some points I was like “holy crap, look what I can do” and other times I was “ okay it’s okay body we are not there yet” practice of both being gentle with self and also challenging what we are capable of!!


Commented on M/<45 CORE SCULPT /301

Feb 23 at 05:29 PM

This is a great one to be present with the body. Love the low impact which I turn to when my energy is lower. I loved the slowness and sure enough the sweat always comes! So much stillness and strength!

Feb 15 at 03:28 PM

Same!!!! So so fun!!

Feb 11 at 09:51 AM

My mom used to alway make that chili con queso dip!! Brings back memories!🥰


Commented on M/<30 FLOOR FLOW /312

Feb 10 at 06:38 PM

A good one for no impact but opportunity to really strengthen muscles I’m not used to working (inner thigh). Loved the challenge and stillness.

Feb 10 at 01:26 PM



Feb 08 at 04:32 PM

I will come back to this when I want to find stillness and strength. It gives those shakes and grace throughout! I need these workouts that get my really in my body! And the perk of sweating and getting my heart stronger!

Commented on M/<20 ARMS + ABS /292

Jan 31 at 09:08 AM

This felt so good! It reminded me of even in a short time our body can receive healing. This challenged my arms and throughout it I felt my core getting stronger!