This month I celebrate 3 years of M/Body and this workout challenged me, mentally and physically. That's one of my favorite things about this platform, the challenge, the growth and above all the encouragement. Thank you, Marnie, for giving us a filter-free space to learn and play. Your words and kindness and acceptance fill me when I need it most. Through this work we're teaching our bodies that we can fall and get back up, that we can laugh at wiggles and that there is no such thing as perfection.
Commented on M/<20 SPOOKY PELVIC FLOOR SCULPT /416
Oct 31 at 01:02 PM
Thank you for this class. This moving meditation kept me focused on myself, the way I can control which muscles I'm using and how to keep that beautiful golden sun burning in my core. The internal work incorporated into the m/body curriculum has taught me how to better recognize and address my pain, needs and pleasure. I'll be coming back to this one again and again. Thank you so much, Marnie.