
Budapest, Hungary

I am currently based in a Hungary! Please come and visit! And have fun in the states!!!
@Jessica please do so, that would be the best!

Jan 03 at 12:31 PM

I am sick and I feel kind of gross, so I decided to move my body a bit to get better, and this no impact class did miracles! Loved the calming vibe of it. It's perfect when you are sick or don't feel motivated.

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Jan 03 at 08:16 AM

Can we add more discussions around nutrition, please? I am at a turning point in my life regarding this topic, and for the first time ever I feel like I am able to have some kind of control over my food choices, rather than let hunger and poor choices control me. And I am really curious on your opinion and it would mean a lot to learn from you, because you always dig deep and go after reliable sources. And there are way too many trends out there, it is hard not to get lost...

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Jan 03 at 08:04 AM

This theme seems to be one of our most interesting ones so far, because it is really aligned with what I am craving to apply into my life. I am really excited to explore more about my possibilities with this community. I am looking forward to deepen my relationships with OG global fam members and can't wait to get to know the new fam. Change is good! Change is necessary. And having fun while staying consistent is only possible if we return to the Beginner's Mindset.
Cape Town is on my bucket list!
Hi sweet V!!! I miss you!
I'm incredibly happy that you are a part of this mini challenge!
You are in good shape! And it's going to get easier! 😉 Welcome! 💖

Jan 03 at 07:44 AM

Dear Vic, I love your kind soul! And I am happy you are at such a peaceful place at the beginning of the new year. This challenge will be so great for you! I am grateful for you being here!