Jaimie Topinka

Oct 02 at 04:47 PM

Kiersten, I’m so happy you found this community. I too feel like Marnie is a long lost friend and I resonate so much with her style. You are doing such a huge thing and my heart is with you. Thanks for being so vulnerable. This year has been so extremely difficult for me too and I’ve leaned on these workouts, even with all the groups I’m in online, nothing has given me strength (actual and physical) like this group and this work. I feel it in so many ways, including in the community. I’m looking forward to seeing you on future lives!

Commented on Hesitancy

Oct 02 at 04:09 PM

Amanda, I want to let go of that too…. Thanks for the insight… I hope you get extra rest and rejuvenation after your move. 💚

Sep 30 at 06:53 AM

There have been a few Kylie Minogue songs and I have vivid memories of making dance routines with my brother… that and Mariah Carey. I’d love to go back to those days. We’ve had lots of struggles since then but we’ve been reconnecting as of late and my brother and I crashed a wedding (kind of) and all of our moves came fludding back! We danced the whole night and people came up to us asking if we were professional dancers (clearly we all were very drunk - we love to dance but we’re def not pros! 😂)

Commented on Love ❤️

Sep 28 at 11:07 AM

Congratulations Jessica! That’s so so beautiful… Thank you for sharing all of that. I’m so grateful for this vulnerable, amazing community. You’re clearly strong like your mother and I’m sure you can feel her in all your planning 💚

Sep 22 at 04:19 PM

“It doesn’t matter how fast you’re going when you’re going in the wrong direction… it doesn’t matter how slow you’re going when you’re going in the right direction.” 💙⭐️

Sep 18 at 05:51 PM

Idk how I missed this one but I’m just getting to it. One of my all time favs! The playlist too was 👌fantastico!

Commented on Nice to meet you!

Sep 08 at 12:11 PM

Thanks for introducing yourself! Nice to meet you Mayo 💚 I’m Jaimie. I love to see all the comments after each video and on social media (and the lives). This is a magical community!

Sep 08 at 12:00 PM

This one kicked my abs. I was gonna say ass but abs is more accurate 🤣

Commented on Fur baby

Sep 04 at 05:42 AM

You can tell he’s still a pup! Aww! Hi Arlo!

Commented on Antigone

Sep 04 at 05:41 AM

I love her name. I had to Google it to remember where I heard it… I’m sorry she’s gone. You must miss her tremendously. 💚