Jessica Davis

Commented on A Time to Bloom

May 25 at 09:39 AM

Jess 🩷these words made my day. Thank you for sharing them. You are such a beautiful soul. Love being on this journey with you my girl xx

May 20 at 08:21 PM

Gorgeous photos, how lovely! Congratulations to your daughter, what an amazing accomplishment!!

May 14 at 07:13 AM

Omg this sounds like a blast! I’ve only ever been to the southwest portion of Germany but Berlin sounds rad/I’m super jealous! Please post photos & share how your trip went!

Commented on Book love !

May 10 at 11:32 AM

Love and miss you my girl! Can’t wait to check this out 🩵hope your spring is going fantastic

Commented on Rough day today

May 04 at 05:01 PM

Sending you a big hug Jaimie 🩷I’ll be thinking of you today. I’m so grateful to have you in this community my friend xx

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May 02 at 08:13 AM

Aw thanks so much Julia 🩷🩷🩷

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May 01 at 08:57 PM

Thank you 🩷

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May 01 at 08:57 PM

Thanks so much Jess, hope all is well with you xx🩵

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Apr 30 at 10:52 AM

Hey Rochelle, I always see your name in the lives. It’s nice to hear more from you. I love that: living rather than doing. I’m right here with you. Really glad we connected on M/BODY. I’ll be thinking of you this month 💜🩷

Commented on Healing and strength

Apr 30 at 07:50 AM

Such beautiful words Annie! I’m a June baby as well 😉 I’m glad we’re here together 🩷thank you for sharing