Kady Riley


Jul 02 at 12:41 PM

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These are the classes that made up my 100 days. They wouldn’t post with my last post.



Jul 02 at 12:37 PM

Today I chose to complete my favourite class, M/<60 LIVE NEW YORK BARRE SCULPT /194, because I am celebrating 100 days on the mat! This is the first time I have achieved this in the 2.5 years I have been subscribed to M/BODY.

Not all of these 100 days looked the same. Some days I chose a M/<60 SIGNATURE, other days I chose a M/<10 STRETCH FLOW. There were times when I chose to do all the jumps, times when I chose heavier weights and times when I utilised all the modifications. Many of the days were a mix of all of the above.

However one thing that is true for all of these days is that I am grateful for each one.



Jul 01 at 04:06 AM

These past 2 weeks I have been grateful that:

  1. I chose goals that were achievable as it has been enjoyable to engage with them.
  2. I continued with growth that I achieved during previous challenges e.g. I started the challenge by sharing a selfie.
  3. By engaging with the activities and my goals, I have finally taken steps towards habits that I need to get back to/ want to try.
  4. I ended June feeling more present and closer to my usual self on the mat that I started it.


Jun 27 at 09:11 AM

Starting my day with a Kilner jar of lemon water is a habit I would like to return to as it used to be one of my favourites. Since I am not currently in a position to simply jump back into it (I am saving Day 5’s activity for later in the challenge) I have decided to set myself the goal for this week of taking a step in the right direction by drinking a glass of water as soon as I wake up every day.



Jun 19 at 06:21 AM

For this, my 6th 60 Day Challenge, I am committing to completing 60 workouts, 45 of which will be selected from the challenge boards. With previous challenges I have both benefitted from and enjoyed fully immersing myself in the challenge. However I am starting this challenge from a place of finding joy in choosing a video and getting to the mat and feel that this is something I would like to bring with me into this challenge. Committing to completing 45 challenge board workouts allows me to benefit from the challenge curriculum whilst also providing me with 15 opportunities to choose a video from the catalogue. It is also my hope that this method will make it easier to return to my current routine when this challenge is complete. Since the activities are an aspect of a challenge in which I have previously experienced the most growth, I am committing to completing as many activities as I am able to, with a minimum goal of 45.

Prior to the start of this challenge I experienced a few weeks in which my panic disorder was at it’s worst. I therefore wanted to choose challenge goals that would both be of benefit to me after this period and still be achievable if things became difficult again. This led me to the following goals:

Do 1 thing that brings me joy each day.

Complete 1 breathwork class each week.

Typically stretch classes are the ones I find the most challenging. In the past this has meant that I only completed a stretch class if it was LIVE or scheduled in a challenge but in recent months I have been working to change this. In order to continue with my progress, my final challenge goal is:

Keep up with my routine of completing 1 stretch class each week.



Dec 17 at 02:57 AM

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3 / 3

Here are my boards to go with my previous post!


Dec 17 at 02:56 AM

The Stay True To You 60 Day Challenge is complete, as is my second year with M/BODY!

For this, my fifth 60 day challenge, I achieved my goal of completing all of the workouts. I also completed 56 activities, and while I only succeeded in completing my third Super Goal of 3 x No Sugar Days, I engaged with my first and second Super Goals, journaling and 30 x Rise + Radiate classes with @libberated, throughout and greatly benefitted from doing so. I also experienced success in achieving goals that I hadn’t set as Super Goals, such as overcoming my dislike of celery juice and now starting my morning with it regularly. However my biggest achievement has to be in sharing not 1 but 3 selfies, which was something I had previously felt was impossible.

Thank you Marnie for another wonderful challenge. The inspiration and support that I received from you, Mum (Yvonne) and the Fam throughout these past 60 days made me feel safe to be brave, and celebrating with you all after doing so made those moments extra special! It is for this that I end this challenge feeling most grateful.

Congratulations Fam! It is always a joy to be on a challenge journey with you.

While I am sad to see this challenge end I know that we will be embarking on another one before we know it… and I can’t wait!



Dec 17 at 02:51 AM

Sharing Yvonne’s completed Stay True To You boards as her app will not let her attach an image at present.



Dec 03 at 02:31 PM

After our LIVE I spent the evening watching Love Actually. It inspired my mantra for today’s activity - love actually is all around. It’s definitely here in this Fam!

Sending love to you all from the UK ❤️



Oct 15 at 04:12 AM

Hi Fam! Happy Challenge Day 1! I’m looking forward to celebrating the start with you all in the LIVE later today 🎉