Kady Riley

Sep 29 at 02:14 PM

Happy 3 Year Anniversary!


Sep 25 at 11:20 AM

We use an iPhone and a MacBook. We have been experiencing some glitching during the LIVEs and times where the catalogued videos won’t play. We are not experiencing these issues all the time, it’s on and off, but when they do occur it is across all the devices.

Sending you all the good vibes for getting M/BODY back to its usual self. We know you are doing everything you can 💖


Sep 25 at 11:18 AM

M/<60 SIGNATURE’s will always be my favourite, and I love it anytime we have a theme. I agree with others who have said that they appreciate the variety and I enjoy the balance of getting two new 60, 45, 30 and 20 minute length classes each month with the LIVEs.


Commented on Special Day

Sep 21 at 11:32 AM

Happy Birthday! Have a lovely day ❤️


Commented on Site Glitching?

Sep 21 at 10:41 AM

Both the app and the website have been on and off for us. We have found that when the problem occurs it is on both the app and the website. We have been fortunate that we have been able to wait until they start working again to get to the mat but I have also downloaded a couple of videos (in the moments when the app has been working as normal) in case it happens and we don’t have the time available to wait.

Aug 30 at 11:56 AM

My favourite standing class (and also my fave M/<30) is M/<30 CARDIO DANCE /240. Enjoy your travels!


Aug 29 at 06:35 AM

I love Kylie too and always enjoy it when Marnie includes her in a playlist, can’t wait to celebrate your birthday with you at tomorrow’s live! 🎉

Aug 22 at 02:20 PM

Congratulations Lauren!


Aug 22 at 09:44 AM

Sending you love for your healing Dana 🩷

Aug 19 at 01:42 PM

Sending you love Michelle ❤️
