Amanda Schlitt

Redondo Beach, CA, United States


Feb 09 at 06:12 AM

Pro-tip, can use fur-baby to support your head during final wide straddle stretch! 🩷LOVED this week’s ballet stretch! 🩰


Jan 14 at 11:04 AM

Ok but how intense was that stomach-forehead on ball- back work?! It’s crazy how adding weights to a move we’ve done a lot changes it so much! Small changes, powerful results. Could not pick my forehead off the ball, so will definitely be favoriting and coming back to see my progress as we move through 2024! Cheers everyone!

Jan 14 at 09:30 AM

I think it’s 1/21! But is class already full? Having trouble with the sign up link! If it is no worries, have fun y’all! ❤️

Nov 06 at 08:07 PM

I’m a teeth grinder at night and find that when I forget my night guard, I get headaches more, especially the ones that go into the neck and shoulders! Not sure if that’s exactly what you’re referring to, and nightguards are SO SILLY $$ but I have noticed a huge difference and it’s been helpful so worth a chat with your dentist maybe? Take care, headaches are so debilitating!! ❤️

Commented on Choice

Nov 06 at 08:03 PM

You got this!!! ❤️


Commented on Chair dance with mom

Nov 01 at 02:20 PM

Omg the mini chair! Stopppp ❤️


Oct 30 at 10:30 AM

Thank you for all your suggestions, friends! I’m going to build myself a playlist!! ❤️


Oct 29 at 12:08 PM

1 / 3
2 / 3
3 / 3

Hi beautiful fam… it’s been a couple weeks since I’ve been able to jump back in (which worked out I guess since there haven’t been any new lives with the retreat happening! It looked so fun!). Last Saturday (10.21) I married my husband (!! still feels weird to say), and it was glorious and perfect. Small intimate backyard thang (highly recommend getting married with only your nearest and dearest, it was perfect, had only about 30 guests). My husband has taken a job in the South Pole (yes, Antarctica!) to work on a telescope. He will be there for a year, so I won’t see him until next November. We had our tearful goodbye today, a week after we got married. Anyways - my request for the fam is hit me with your favorites for low energy, healing heart flows. I’ve been so focused on the wedding and then spending every second possible with him, I haven’t been in a place (mental or physical) to hit the mat since before we got married. And I want to ease back into it! I know any of the low impact ones will work, but are there any y’all specifically love for when you’re feeling sad or heavy hearted? Let me know! Sending love to you all! ❤️


Commented on M/<20 BARRE BURN /318

Sep 20 at 05:53 PM

This class was sooooo perfect! Over the weekend I hurt my lower back somehow (bending over doing yard work… wasn’t bracing my core probably? I was beating myself up about it but sh!t happens, it’s ok to need to rest). Anyways, the last couple days been baby-ing it, gentle stretches, etc, and today was finally feeling more myself but not up for a huge challenge or jumping straight into a signature 60. Enter this class, and omg it was magic! I modified by not using weights (so to not put pressure on my back) and even without weights it was fantastic! I feel so strong, stretched, and sculpted! ❤️


Aug 21 at 04:07 PM

I am sending you so much love Michelle. Our fur babies are family, my heart is with you and yours as you process this loss ❤️❤️❤️
