Amanda Schlitt

Redondo Beach, CA, United States

Commented on Capitalism

Dec 18 at 08:57 AM

I completely agree! Late stage capitalism really out here trying to keep us all down. All this messaging to buy the best thing when we’re all drowning under student debt and climbing rents. 😫It’s so overwhelming, the spending and the expected extended family time, I feel you on the pressure of it all! I agree with you Kendall, the clutter is too much, every year I tell relatives please I don’t need anything but the Knick knacks keep coming 🤦‍♀️. Sending everyone love and hopefully some peace this season from all the chaos! ❤️

Dec 15 at 05:25 PM

Thank you for sharing, it’s so powerful to be vulnerable and to let others know they are not alone! You are amazing! Sending you healing and love this holiday season ❤️

Dec 13 at 06:44 AM

Hell yes!! So much love to you ❤️

Nov 24 at 10:43 AM

Peak planksgiving is doing this using canned cranberry sauce as weights LOL! We’re currently in mammoth for the holiday, gotta use what you have (which for me also included a pillow folded up and a ladder we found in the condo)!

Nov 19 at 09:26 AM

Sending you love Jessica! I’m right there with you, and I think as Marnie says sometimes, the most difficult challenge may actually be in slowing down! Listen to your body and making the challenge work for YOU ❤️

Commented on M/<20 ARM DANCE /140

Nov 11 at 10:42 AM

Just have to pop in here and say that yesterday I went to get my bi-valent booster, and my flu shot (one in each arm) and the nurse told me to make sure I move my arms around a lot to help with soreness. I said say less and did this one after and let me tell you, my arms are sore but I’d bet money they’d be worse off it I hadn’t done this! Quick arm burn, so good, highly recommend! (And hello from the fall 2022 challenge) :)

Oct 30 at 12:51 PM

Immediate favorite!! I’m really digging these artist specific playlists! First Beyoncé, now Taylor! We gotta do a Gaga one, or a Katy Perry one, Rihanna too maybe?? So many options! The ball combos especially on the knees and during bridge had me shaking, so challenging but so good! ❤️

Commented on Swifties Unite

Oct 28 at 12:21 PM


Sep 25 at 10:10 AM

Send a screenshot to Danni!!

Sep 24 at 12:51 PM

Anymore* 😂