Molly Gregory

Brooklyn, NY, United States

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /313

Sep 04 at 12:58 PM

Such a great (and dare I say, balanced?) class. Really strong but also really approachable. A good one for when you're seeking simple, foundational movement that's meditative--but still challenging!--from start to finish.

Commented on Goddess

Aug 15 at 05:53 PM

Congrats, Becca!! What a cool moment ๐Ÿ˜


Aug 09 at 03:33 PM

I would love an evening class on Thursday so I can come after work! I can do any time Friday and Sunday. Cannot wait!!

Commented on NYC Here We Come!

Jul 23 at 03:58 PM

I could do either, with a slight preference for the 26th!

Commented on M/<45 CORE SCULPT /301

Jul 16 at 01:50 PM

Really enjoyed this one! A slow burn that challenges the mind and the senses, but that's simultaneously really freeing and healing--my muscles were screaming at points, but this was almost therapeutic as a result. Some fun bonus ball work too!

Jun 01 at 03:56 PM

This is such a fun and joyful burst of a class--I felt absolutely free and full of glee. This is a great one for feeling the best kind of messy, for completely surrendering, and for moving with absolute joy. Loved every minute (especially the grapevines).

Commented on M/<30 TOWEL DANCE /278

May 04 at 04:52 PM

Finally got a chance to do this one today, and I just have to say that this is an extremely special class. I usually find towel dances intimidating, but this one is so accessible, playful, and most importantly, fun; a challenge, but the support of the barre helped me feel like I could lean into the challenge, vs. shying away from it like I sometimes do with towel series. A slow burn for 20 minutes followed by a joyful burst of cardio dance at the end, and some truly beautiful stretches (and an even more beautiful message) to close out the class. This one touched my heart <3

Apr 13 at 04:16 PM

This was a S W E A T Y one (five minutes in, I weren't sure if my thighs were going to make it through). It continues to amaze me how much Marnie continues to add new challenges and new choreography into this platform even three years in. This is one for when you're ready to kick some butt and take some names (and then have a lovely cooldown afterwards).

Feb 19 at 05:51 PM

This was such a challenging and empowering class. I was so focused on getting the choreography right that there wasn't room for anxious brain chatter to get in the way! This is a great one for tuning in, trusting your brain AND body, and giving in fully to the experience of the workout. I surprised myself with this one, and can't wait to do it again!

Jan 26 at 04:04 PM

For so long, I loved this class but hated how I felt when I did it--I have a long history of knee trauma, and the general speed (especially during the cardio series) was always intimidating to me. But this time, for the first time, I did the class with ease and no fear! Really proved to me how much stronger we get over time and how important it is to come back to classes we have a tough relationship with (even when their playlists are always amazing). Can't wait to do this one again with confidence!!