Tracy Kodner

St Louis, MO, United States

Commented on Live Class Times

Feb 25 at 02:20 PM

Saturdays at 9am would be awesome!

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Feb 05 at 08:46 AM

Listen to your body and rest when you're under the weather. M/Body will always be here waiting for you when you're feeling up to working out again! I totally get feeling that sense of obligation, but if you need rest then that's the best thing you can do for yourself ๐Ÿ’œ I hope you feel better soon!

Jan 21 at 08:57 AM

20 and 30 minute classes are my go-to during the week. Since I do those more often, I find I repeat many of these classes over and over, so I'd love even more to choose from!

Jan 19 at 04:07 PM

I feel you 100%! Having a very similar situation myself. Hang in there! Take it one step at a time and be sure you're making time to take care of yourself. You are awesome and this M/Body team is here to support you ๐Ÿ’œ

Jan 09 at 03:46 AM

I come back to this one again and again. The gentle deep stretching and slow smooth movements genuinely restore my energy and body. Marnie's suggestion to let our thoughts be like apples in a basket and allow them to gently roll onto the grass always puts my mind at ease and helps me feel centered.

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Jan 04 at 03:43 AM

Hi Costi! Welcome! I've struggled with a tender knee for a while. My chiropractor suggested warming up and working my hamstrings a little before starting the workouts and that has helped me a lot.

Dec 29 at 09:33 AM

Yesterday I paired Floor Stretch 242 with the anxiety reducing meditation and it was a beautiful start to my day ๐Ÿ’œ Today I went for Cardio Dance 240 to get in some dancing and sweat.

Dec 08 at 03:44 AM

Sending so much love!
Faith, I'm so sorry you're carrying so many heavy things right now. Remember you are strong amd resilient and your M/Body Fam always has your back! We love you!! Stay true to you and shine on. Nobody gets to hold you down. You're just so much brighter than all that b.s. Be extra kind to yourself and continue to reach out when you need support. We got you ๐Ÿ’œ

Nov 23 at 03:49 AM

Welcome, Maya! I'm also not sure about the timing of the next challenge. However, you can search for the word Challenge and it will bring up past challenges. They will be the ones with words on the pictures. When you click one, it gives you the playlist of workouts from previous challenges ๐Ÿ’œ