Kendall Wetzel

Jan 08 at 06:38 PM

Loved this one!!
Omg so fun!!! <3 Kendall Lawrenceville, NJ

Commented on Capitalism

Dec 18 at 07:15 AM

I feel like I’m really hating the holidays this year. (Doesn’t help that my son and I just recovered from rsv and now my husband has covid..) It’s all so much pressure about what to buy everyone, who buys you something and you forgot to buy them something, did you spend enough/too much. I don’t like things, I get very stressed with clutter and I wish it was not about presents! Sorry, really jumped on the rant train lol

Nov 28 at 04:52 PM

Oh goodness! This one is so unique and amazing, with a perfect ending quote. I feel like I'm floating after this class. BLISS :)

Commented on Class Requests

Oct 31 at 02:51 PM

I’d love a super dance heavy class please!

Oct 20 at 05:26 PM

i've learned in ocd treatment to lean into the fear. To welcome the uncomfortable feelings. But trust me, I know it's freakin hard. Sending you strength and a huge hug! I also recommend keeping yourself as distracted as possible; download a movie you wanted to watch, podcasts you love, buy a magazine, bring yourself treats/snacks. You got this momma!


Oct 17 at 06:10 PM

Growing up I was always dragged to my brother and sister’s sporting events and my mom kept signing me up for sports I didn’t want to play. I begged to sit the bench, as I had zero self confidence in my abilities. My family always teased me about being the unathletic one in the family. Fast forward to today and I am the one who is the most active and in shape. (Fueled this days by long walks and Mbody!) Just wanted to share that for those mommas who kids don’t want to play sports or for those of you who were like me. What an exciting journey life can be! Xoxo


Oct 12 at 03:53 PM

Do you follow Kimberley Quinlan? She is amazing for anxiety/ocd tips. ;)

Oct 12 at 03:52 PM

What a champion! Sending you love!

Oct 06 at 05:08 PM

Another one to love :)!! xoxo