Victoria Eon

Apr 08 at 07:39 AM

Destination Vienna sounds wonderful 😘


Apr 08 at 07:39 AM

I second that! Would love to visit ma patrie!

Apr 08 at 07:38 AM

Maine…this summer…on the water ☀️


Apr 07 at 11:44 AM

I just finished the 4 year anniversary live. It was more emotional than I expected.This is a sacred space.

4 years ago when M/BODY and pandemic started, I had just taken a leap of faith and moved solo to California for a job. I was alone in my little apartment. Didn’t know a soul. My life was minimized to FT screens with family back east. The meditation at the end of class brought me back into that headspace - those terrifying lonely days- but I also reflected on how resilient we are and how much we’ve experienced since. M/BODY was a light in the darkness. There are no words ❤️ thank you all for the love and life and all the messy in between you pour out here. We leave it all on the mat and transform into our best selves.

Mar 16 at 11:16 AM

“Expand heart first” I love this sentiment.

Amanda you are so talented I love seeing your work 💜


Mar 16 at 11:14 AM


M/BODY is PRESENCE. When my seasonal depression is bad and I feel numb or my anxiety is high and I’m stuck in my head, Marnie your work outs make me more present and aware of my body and all it can do 😭💜you can see the energy shift (before and after a workout) in the pic


Dec 19 at 08:35 AM

I couldn’t agree more!!


Nov 19 at 11:24 AM

I’m right there with you. First class after an unplanned hiatus. Great flow and balance challenges for wiggly muscles.

Sep 23 at 01:27 PM

Haha I feel you Whit! I love 60s on the weekends especially for that reason or the off chance I have time in the evening (but that’s rare)

Sep 23 at 01:26 PM

45 hands down. But I love 30 min for days where I’m limited on time (I.e. perfect for travelling)
