Rebecca Gardner

Chicago Heights, IL, United States

Commented on M/<30 SWEAT /37

Jun 30 at 10:40 PM

I haven’t done this one since it was live! It really made me reflect on how much I have grown on so many levels. Thank you Marnie and Rin this beautiful community 💗

Commented on What each day brings

Jun 29 at 10:51 AM

I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s so incredibly hard to say goodbye. Sending love 💗

Jun 26 at 04:34 PM


Jun 24 at 07:51 PM

When I became a mother I remember reading something a the way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice. I vowed to always be mindful of that voice and always have. But I find I don’t have the same gentility with myself. I hope to change that 🥰

Jun 24 at 07:48 PM

Definitely! Much love and support to you and your goals as well. 💜

Jun 24 at 07:48 PM

It shouldn’t be so hard! But we all need to be more gentle with ourselves 💜

Jun 24 at 07:22 AM

Thank you, Jessica for your kind words and support! Sending so much love 💗

Jun 23 at 09:44 AM

Sending love. I have been there before and it’s so devastating. I’m happy that you have this community to hold space for you.


Jun 22 at 09:03 PM

Hi everyone! I’ve been keeping up with the exercises but have been at the beach on vacation with my family so haven’t had time to post. Better late than never!

  1. Talk to myself like I would to my daughter or best friend. Be better at nurturing myself.

  2. Work on strengthening my wrists. I have a hard time holding planks or other moves like that because of the pain in my wrists.

  3. Commit to 5 workouts a week( even though it might be hard during summer break).


Commented on M/<30 ARMS + ABS /123

Jun 22 at 11:59 AM

Fun to revisit this one. Goes by fast and the message at the end is so good.