Anahita Pradhan

Mar 30 at 03:10 AM

Been here for 2 years but with Marnie on YouTube for YEEEAAARS more. Thank you for taking my body and mind through university, early couplehood and now my first year of marriage. I can literally never make it live but I always do workouts on catch up

Mar 15 at 02:14 AM

Danni I looove the Indian flute music in the stretch. Please can you send me the full song? It is so calming

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /154

Jan 11 at 01:30 AM

I still canโ€™t tap twice backwards to rewind on my iPad - didnโ€™t Marnie say this was fixed? Really keen to have this back! Am I doing something wrong?

Dec 21 at 01:04 AM

I love the Indian flute at the end during stretch! Danni or Marnie, can you please link me the song?

Nov 10 at 04:19 AM

Marnie love the sports bra! Where is it from?

Sep 09 at 01:06 AM

Thanks for helping Danni! Looking forward to getting that rewind tap back

Sep 08 at 01:43 AM

just sent**

Sep 08 at 01:42 AM

I noticed the same thing! Iโ€™m on an iPad. just send Danni a comment about this too on another video

Commented on M/<30 ARMS + ABS /123

Sep 08 at 01:41 AM

Danni, has the upload format of the videos changed? I used to be able to double tap on the left and right parts of the screen to rewind or fast forward by 10 seconds (like YouTube) which was super handy whilst working out with Marnie. I canโ€™t seem to do that now

Mar 09 at 02:34 AM

The poem at the end of this was beautiful! Who is it by, and where can I find it?