Amanda Powell

Bellingham, WA, United States

Hi!! I'm a photographer, artist, mother, and ever hopeful that I will one day make it to an IRL class with Marnie and the fam!


Sep 03 at 04:14 PM

So excited about Balance as September’s theme! It’s a principle I believe deeply in and try to recognize in life, so I’m stoked to match it with a specific m/body focus (even tho it’s already always woven through). AND it’s happening during a season of transition and change?! What could be better than the reminder of balance!! 🙌🏻

Thank you for this intention Marnie! So here for it!




Jul 19 at 12:26 PM

Maybe I’m just putting my own stress on the community but I get the feeling we all need some warmth and light right now. Sending it to all you lovely warriors, connecting and wishing you all the white light of protection Marnie’s shared before, which felt so personal. Goodness I appreciated that .

And reminding us all (myself included for sure currently) to take deep breaths, acknowledge the anxieties, and let them pass. We can do hard things, even things we don’t fully grasp.

Be in the light today loves. 💜



Apr 24 at 09:41 AM

Meant to post how I’m feeling in the comments yesterday but completely spaced, so here it is. Yesterday was a tough workout for me, felt very weak during the movements, especially during planks. It followed a week where I had a couple good workouts, but those workouts wore me out, and my running suffered. It’s a challenge not to feel like I should just be able to do all the physical things I want to do. And really, I feel this way with my work too, pushing, raising the bar, enjoying a success for the moment, but then not knowing where to go after, or if I’ll ever be successful again. The honest comment here is that I feel discouraged.. and I can recognize that this isn’t exactly logical, but emotional. So I’m curious ladies, how do you go about strengthening your logical side?



Apr 20 at 11:21 AM

Younger me would be amazed that my work as an artist/photographer has been included in the Library of Congress as part of a covid documentary collection. I mean, lots and lots of things go into the library of Congress but for younger, very civic minded Amanda, this would be unbelievable. Grateful for this life journey.. and loving reading all of your achievements Fam 💜



Apr 02 at 11:15 AM

My daughter, who is in kindergarten, and who is a super creative, big feelings person, wrote a short plan for dealing with said feelings. Beautifully relevant 💜🙌 even as a 32 year old woman 😘



Mar 26 at 12:05 PM

Class was amazing this morning. Wanted to reach through the screen and hug each one of you! And I loved the message.. but I always love the message 🥰

I’m letting go of— worrying I’m not doing enough, in my work, in family life/relationships, in workouts. It’s a habitual thought pattern I have, which I hope to, at least for this week, release my mental grip on. “I do not have weights tied to my ankles” a new favorite mantra from our lovely Marnie this morning 💜



Mar 14 at 08:09 AM

Listening to my body and modifying if necessary! Saturday’s class still has my hamstrings like: woah 🤯 anyone else sore?



Mar 09 at 12:37 PM

That class this morning was marvelous, and I’m loving this new place to post, since I primarily use IG for my business. Thanks so much Marnie & Danni! And Marnie I can’t believe you were sick— you were hoping around like a jackrabbit in the live this morning! 🙌😆❤️