Amanda Powell

Bellingham, WA, United States

Hi!! I'm a photographer, artist, mother, and ever hopeful that I will one day make it to an IRL class with Marnie and the fam!


Dec 09 at 10:47 AM

Playing catch up again with these activities… this last challenge board has proved more difficult to get in during this busy season than I thought it would be, but I’m clinging to my most favorite recent mantra from M/BODY, which is simply, You can. And it doesn’t mean that you should but that you can find what works, you can thrive, you can decide what helps you right now, and you can let go of the rest. Love to all of you sweet people 🥰



Nov 22 at 10:23 AM

Did today’s towel workout with socks and felt so much more connected! Plus, my yoga giraffes helped remind me to keep my neck long🦒😆 highly recommend socks for today, friends!



Nov 08 at 11:32 AM

Sweaty selfie for the IRL drop! TBH, not too sweaty because I worked out in our very cold basement 🥶 man oh man I cannot wait for the day I can attend an IRL 🫶🏻



Oct 31 at 08:22 PM

In honor of today’s live, and Marnie talking about sharing a fear you’ve worked through—I’m still working through my fear of flying, and unfortunately (for a family emergency) I have to fly again this week. I’ll be remembering what so many of you shared with me.

So, I just wanted to encourage all of you, that this fear thing is a journey, with highs, lows, and everything in between. Remember your breath, your logic, your knowledge, when dealing with feelings that might paralyze you. And please remember your global Fam, and how they will lift you up when you are struggling. This is an incredible resource with real, and loving people on the other side of these comments 🥰 be well 🥰



Oct 29 at 08:08 AM

Back in town and I’m missing the Taylor (‼️!) live for soccer, but trust, I’m repping. Can’t wait to do this one, crush it this morning ladies!! 🫶🏻



Oct 20 at 12:36 PM

Hi all— tomorrow I get on a plane, the first one in 3 years. About 5 years ago I developed an extreme fear of flying, after an emergency trip for a funeral. I’m doing breath work, acknowledging my fear, collecting what strategies I can.. but honestly I’m afraid. I haven’t always been afraid of flying, I used to think it was amazing, and could even sleep on a flight. I don’t have to return to that level of comfort, but any prayers, vibes, love, you send I’ll think of as I fidget with my •in the light• bracelet on the plane will be much appreciated. I hate being afraid, hate admitting to that fear, and I just want to be able to enjoy the miracle that is flying. Anyway, thank you all, and sending my love as we all find the sun for 15min today.



Oct 16 at 05:14 PM

Doing tomorrow’s posture workout today, instead of the m<45, practicing one of my super goals: GRACE for myself during this challenge. I know so many of you have the same type of goal- solidarity!

Thank you all as always for all the support. I feel like I haven’t gotten back and reciprocated that support as well as I should, and I want to acknowledge that and work to be better!



Oct 15 at 08:49 PM

Hi!! I’m Amanda from Bellingham WA, this is my 6th or 7th challenge..been here since the first global fam challenge and can never remember what number we’re on 😆

My goal is at least 30, and hopefully 45 workouts through out the challenge, since the end of October is a wild time for me. I’m so grateful to be able to allow myself less, with minimal guilt, which I completely thank the M/BODY mindset for. Haven’t done todays workout yet, but I can’t wait to hit that 1st day of challenge energy.

Also, love seeing ALL of your smiling faces— let’s do this friends 🥰



Oct 02 at 11:20 AM

I’m missing lives a bunch lately, as we are in the process of moving to our new home this week and next, but yesterday’s live, wow. Phew.

Letting go is just the most perfect theme for October. The word that came to mind for me, during a tear filled meditation at the end of class, was hesitancy. Not the stop and think mindfully before an action kind.. but the feeling right before you release, the one that has the potential to jeopardize that release. I’m letting go of that.

Sending love to you all, as always! 🫶🏻



Sep 10 at 01:36 PM

Rochelle wanted to see us all, and this here is me! Also, guys, that class this morning—That’s sweat not shadows 😆