
Kenosha, WI, United States

Commented on M/<45 ARMS + ABS /205

Jul 27 at 05:29 PM

Awesome class I was going to put it off til tomorrow but I’m so glad I didn’t!

May 19 at 03:59 PM

And I usually never, ever comment on any form of social media because I always think what do people care what I have to say but here I am so this I my little win for the day. Eventually you just gotta say F*** it and step out of that box right?!?!?

May 19 at 03:57 PM

Nicole, I’ve been struggling a lot lately too feeling extra worthless and not good enough. I’ve just been focusing on the small “wins” that I would usually overlook. I just keep trying to take two steps forward and just one back day by day. I know I’ll never be the prettiest, fittest, smartest, whatever but we are all humans who have something unique to offer.

Apr 27 at 05:57 PM

End not door lol

Apr 27 at 04:43 PM

I love how she goes balls to the wall on these standing classes 😂🥵 needed those words at the door too ❤️

Apr 13 at 05:06 PM

This was so good after a long work day. I love the plank to down dog on the top of the foot. It feels so good on my feet.

Mar 16 at 05:04 PM

I probably say this every time but geez is she creative and efficient!

Mar 12 at 02:57 PM

Kenosha here!

Mar 03 at 02:02 PM

Thank you! I love being here!!

Mar 02 at 04:51 PM

I couldn’t agree more with just pointing and clicking on a video. I’ve made it a goal this year to try not to repeat a class more than a couple times. By just pointing and clicking I’ve come across so many new favorites or classes that I didn’t think I did well the first time and now I can nail! I celebrated my birthday with this class and reflected on how far I’ve come and being so proud that this is my favorite part of the day. Thank you M/BODY ❤️