Mali Perl

Jan 29 at 10:17 AM

Like totally!


Dec 31 at 11:54 AM

May you have celebrate many 4 sets of 8's together!


Dec 31 at 11:53 AM

Happy Birthday Molly, from Mali! These are some of my faves too.

Dec 26 at 09:56 AM

Not only was this workout all about the joy of movement and all that our bodies can do, but the closing messages were so powerful. "Light is coming" is the perfect way to start a new year. Happy 2024 M/Body Fam! 

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /337

Dec 17 at 01:38 PM

The perfect vibe for a hectic time of year. The pace is sustainable throughout, you feel very connected to all the movements and the creativity carries you through. Thanks for the gift, Marnie Claus.

Dec 13 at 03:36 PM

Not sure what got a bigger workout this class - my body or my brain. Sometimes when I tackle a new class for the first time, I get cranky when a new move doesn't come instantly. But if I reframe and remind myself that as Marnie says "you haven't done this class on this day before" it allows me to just learn without judgment. A great lesson as we head into 2024. HNY Global Fam!

Dec 05 at 03:16 PM

After this class, I am 100% ready to dance the lead in The Nutcracker. Can we please get a 60 min version of this awesomeness?

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /331

Nov 30 at 01:20 PM

This class had such a beautiful lightness. A wonderful starter 60 for anyone who's new to M/Body because the moves are accessible for all levels while still delivering a full body workout.

Oct 29 at 12:23 PM

Hey Amanda

Congratulations! How amazing to be married to someone so intrepid - and I mean that for both of you! There are a bunch of workouts that have a special energy. Here are a few 45 mins that are magically mood-altering:

#24, 61, 190 and 279


Oct 29 at 12:17 PM

Hey Faith

3+ years with M/Body and there hasn't been one time I haven't used strong adult language during the planks/push ups sections. I recognize that those won't ever be my faves but two things have helped me embrace them:

I ask myself "what if this is the move that has the most impact?"

When Marnie has us hold in plank and I start to question  all my life choices, I kiss my shoulders and thank them for being so strong.