Megan Higgins


Oct 12 at 02:49 PM

Had a total moment just laying on the mat post class listening to Marnie give all the details about the challenge! 😍

The words at the end brought me to tears. I have changed A LOT over the last few years. From starting my momvement journey with Marnie, to majorly changing my diet because I’d been living with chronic stomach issues and didn’t know that it was possible to live life with them. I also had a major career change as I transitioned from a Kindergarten teacher to working from home for an educational comnapy.

This past year has felt so freeing but also really trying at times as I’ve felt guilty at times for some of the changes. Leaving the classroom was HARD. I’ve always wanted to be a teacher but when I left the classroom I felt so excited to have this opportunity! Especially on the heels of virtual Kindergarten teaching. 😅 But over the last year I’ve felt some guilt too. Guilt for not staying committed to the career I chose, guilt for leaving my team mates, guilt for leaving the kids. It’s been heavy. This month marks a year since I left the classroom and I’m finally allowing myself to slowly let go of that guilt. Because I’m allowed to change, I’m allowed to try new things, I’m allowed to grow.

Anyways sorry for the long post I just really resonated with the words at the end of the live today and it made me think of another thing that I want to LET GO of this October!



Oct 01 at 11:12 AM

I will let go of planning. I will let my life FLOW.

This is something I’ve been working on a lot the last several months. Your words about getting into a paralysis state really hit home today, Marnie. In my new career I’m so lucky to have more flexibility but it’s really made me realize how rigid I am. Having every moment planned was comfortable to me…but I am learning to love the freedom to change things up. So I’m going to continue to work on not planning every moment of my day and allowing myself to go with the flow of life. Here’s the riding the waves! ❤️



Aug 24 at 10:45 AM

Sweet Abby and I with that post class glow!