Megan Higgins

Replied on post was deleted

Mar 17 at 06:41 PM

They really are!!! 🥰

Commented on post was deleted

Mar 17 at 10:21 AM

Hi Costanza!! Love this question!! I have been doing M/body for 3 years (this month is my anniversary!) for the first 6 months I would do M/body 3-4 times a week and then also do a hiit or strength workout 1-2 days a week and stretch 1 day. Then I transitioned to only M/body! I just found that it was giving me the cardio and strength training I craved! I usually do a workout all 7 days of the week but only 1-2 60 minutes. 1-2 45 and the rest 20-30 minutes! I use to keep track more diligently but now I just kind of do what my body is craving that day length wise! Within the last 8 months I’ve also started going to a yoga studio and it compliments M/body fabulously! I’ve done yoga for over a decade but M/body has given me so much strength and flexibility, I feel like I’ve progressed so much in my yoga practice thanks to it! That was a really long ramble to say that I usually do M/body everyday and then go to 2-3 yoga classes a week! I’ve never felt better physically and mentally!

Commented on M<60 SIGNATURE /186

Mar 12 at 09:36 AM

It’s been a while since I’ve done this one and WOW - I hit the favorite button! This is such a high, good energy class! Lots of signature moves and positive vibes!

Mar 05 at 11:23 AM

Thank you for the suggestion!! I did this class today! The abs were killer after yesterdays class!!

Commented on Drew!

Mar 04 at 03:10 PM

I love this idea!!!! I watch the Drew Berrymore show everyday while I work, it’s so positive and she’s just so real!

Feb 23 at 12:36 PM

I really needed to hear the words at the end! I've been feeling so fatigued the last 2 months, but just doing my best to rest and do more of the shorter and low impact workouts. This is a perfect one if you just need to get to the mat if only for a few minutes. Just another reason why I love M/body, you take care of our mind, body, and soul.

Feb 02 at 01:51 PM

Amazing class!!! If you love the barre series you’re going to love this one!

Commented on Birthday Workout

Jan 25 at 03:44 PM

Happy birthday!!!!!

Jan 23 at 03:42 PM

Thank you!!! I will definitely try that!! 😍

Jan 22 at 12:16 PM

I’ve been dying to get the mini ball!!! I hope it comes back in stock soon! The regular ball is just too big for my feet!