Megan Higgins

May 21 at 04:54 PM

I love all the ball movement ball classes! They take the intensity up a notch! This one was extra challenging for me, especially the standing series on the ball! Definitely adding this one to my “Classes that kicked my 🍑” playlist so I can come back to it again to practice and play!

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /286

May 21 at 04:52 PM

Everything about this class is signature 60 perfection! I completely agree with Beata, that it’s incredible how Marnie can keep the integrity and flow of the signature classes while continuing to make each one unique! I absolutely loved the wide second series at the barre and the double pulses when we hit the floor for glute work! And as mentioned by the rest of the fam, the playlist will make you want to sing and dance the whole time! Definitely a class to come to when you just want to have fun!

May 17 at 04:28 PM

This is an amazing class for your neck, shoulders, and posture! I love that it incorporates stretch AND some sneaky strengthening moves to help keep your shoulders and neck feeling good! For so much of my life I’ve suffered from chronic shoulder pain, and M/body has helped tremendously with this. Chronic pain has now become very intermittent. I’ll definitely be doing this one multiple times a week for extra love to my shoulders and neck!

Commented on Rough day today

May 06 at 09:28 AM

Sending lots of love and strength to you!!!! I’m glad you’re still taking time to take care of you!!

Commented on Knockout sweat!

May 01 at 03:05 PM

I just did it today, but I can already tell I’m going to be sore tomorrow!!!! Those side kicks and upper cuts used some different muscles for sure!

May 01 at 11:04 AM

Such a FUN class!!! I’m a lover of the ballet themed class but this is still one of my favs!!!! The combos keep your brain working and cardio is high even without a whole lot of jumping!!

Apr 24 at 12:36 PM

I love all the grounded/floor classes! They are truly so centering and build so much strength! This grounded class is an instant favorite! No impact, but my cardio was still up with the swift changes and dynamic combos! Can’t wait to do this one again! Also loved working both legs during the glute series! I felt like it helped to keep my stamina up by alternating the target leg!

Replied on post was deleted

Apr 22 at 10:38 AM

And actually why stop at just a 45 and 60, so you’ve got options for any length….Floor Series < 30/142 has an ab series that I couldn’t do the first time I took that class! I’ve slowly built up strength but whew it’s killer! And the for 20: Abs <20/249 is really firey and the use of the ball is a great support that I’m slowly trying to work up not using the whole time! Loved this question, Costanza!!

Commented on post was deleted

Apr 22 at 10:32 AM

I have a playlist called “Classes that kicked my 🍑” so I can come back to them and see growth! Right now I have Barre Sculpt/45 this class has such a challenging flutes series! SO FUN but it repeated the series a few times and I was dying by the end! And then I also have signature 60/267! It’s a newer class, but the combos were really complex and challenged my mind a lot!!

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /275

Apr 16 at 11:24 AM

This class was EVERYTHING that I love!!!!! That barre series was the MOST fun!!!! I am loving the renewal theme. After a very lethargic feeling winter, the last few weeks have felt so energizing! I also love the reminder to get specific in our movement, especially those moves that may be more familiar. I've really been playing around with depth and activating muscles and have felt such a difference in my workouts. Thank you for sharing your beautiful energy with us and continuing to guide us in such a beautiful way!