Nicole M

Oxford, United Kingdom


Aug 08 at 10:01 AM

First of all I’m so sorry this is not a fun post!

I don’t even know what to title this. I saw my mom over the weekend and she has always been obsessed with weight and appearance. She is also super controlling and wants to know every detail of my life She is so intense and makes so many comments about my weight and appearance. I don’t see her often because of her strong judgement of others and myself. I feel SO weighed down after my visit. As if my bones are lead. I just slept the whole of Sunday. It’s so difficult because she is my own mother! I feel so small when I’m around her. My friends are amazing and understand and help me out a lot and I’m so grateful. But it’s difficult.

I love you all thank you to those who are able to read this!

Sending love to everyone. ❤️



Aug 04 at 06:42 AM

What’s your fave 60 min workout? I’m feeling good and energised today but can’t decide!

Love ya’ll x



Aug 03 at 04:47 AM

Not workout related but wanted to share this cute moment between my cat and the landlord’s horse.



Jun 11 at 08:20 AM

I pretended like I was there 😋



Jun 04 at 05:33 AM

Is it too late to request lil nas x - Montero for todays workout? 💃🏼


May 18 at 05:06 AM

Hey guys. In class we always work on confidence both with our heart opening/back strengtheners, and by the beautiful gentle words Marnie always leaves us with.

However I’ve always struggled with low self esteem. No matter what I do I can’t seem to love my body. I’m so critical of it, things like “why can’t I be smaller?” “I hate my broad shoulders” and “I wish I was less sensitive!” are all phrases that cross my mind regularly. And I’m not sure why but lately I’ve been feeling extra worthless, both in my body and my abilities.

Do you have any tips or tricks to bolster your self esteem, or even just lift your mood for little? I’ll take any suggestions!



May 03 at 04:16 PM

Surprise surprise, being kind and gentle with oneself works really well hehe! Instead of pushing for 60 (all or nothing) I allowed myself to set the goal of 30 workouts for this challenge. Lo and behold, I did 45 in the end!

My favourite part of these challenges is redoing workouts that I don’t tend to do in my regular routine. Or just miss (because we now have this gorgeous catalogue of over 180 workouts!).

My two new faves are:

  1. barre sweat 156. I struggle with the positioning of my legs, hips and arms at the bar when we do leg work so I hope to redo this one to work on that.

  2. Signature 00s themed 147. I LOVED the glute work in this one, typically done on all fours, we did on our knees while holding the bar. (I do hope I’m describing this properly). My shoulders LOVED that and I loved it. Also managed the two sets of four sets of 8 jumps!

Sorry for the loooooong post. Congratulations to my fellow fam for the completion of your personal challenge!!!!

Love to you all. Xx



Apr 28 at 07:10 AM

I’ve completed my 40 workouts - let’s see if I can get to 45!

Two wellness activities from this challenge have really stuck with me. That is the eating an apple regularly, and have lemon water in the mornings. It may be psychological, but I really feel more energised throughout the day if I have my lemon water! Have you guys kept up with any of the wellness activities, and how do they make you feel?

Love to you all. X



Apr 17 at 09:42 AM

I reached my personal goal of 30 workouts! In fact I’ve done 33 so far (don’t mind me being rebellious and doing a workout meant for May 1st).

My next goal for this challenge is 40 workouts.

My absolutely FAVE part of these challenges is rediscovering old workouts, because I tend to circulate the same 10 over and over hehe.

I’ve enjoyed this challenge far more than precious ones, because I didn’t push myself beyond my energy levels and just did what I felt like really!

Sending you all SO much love!!!!!!!




Mar 11 at 10:15 AM

I’m super happy! I did live 38 today and it’s the first time I was able to do the whole push-up series without stopping. I did however do the actual push-ups slower than marnie, got about 9 in!