Nicole M

Oxford, United Kingdom

Apr 01 at 01:44 AM

Hey! Ugh it’s so tricky in this world isn’t it? In the UK they have a “five a day” saying that’s also on our food packaging which I find super helpful as a basic guideline: get five servings of fruit and vegetables in every day.

This would workout as adding (not taking away anything!): a serving of fruit with breakfast. A serving of fruit with a snack. A serving of vegetables with lunch, a veggie snack and then a serving of veg for dinner!

I don’t always get it right but that’s what I aim for!

(A serving is like one apple, or a side salad with mixed veg). If you struggle to eat salad, don’t forget the delicious dressings you can add 🤩

I hate diet culture so these guidelines have been great to eat healthy but not restrict ANYTHING!

Sending you love Costanza ❤️❤️❤️


Apr 01 at 01:37 AM

❤️ yes for example I know if Molly M loves a workout I will too!


Apr 01 at 01:36 AM

❤️❤️❤️ love you & the fam SO much! ❤️ thank you to the gorgeous women who put the gift together ❤️❤️


Mar 13 at 07:15 AM

I don’t have a lot of advice but I do have a lot of softness and kindness for you and a giant warm squishy hug ❤️

Commented on M/<30 ARMS + ABS /338

Mar 13 at 06:49 AM

This is so energising! I love watching Marnie herself push through a difficulty and succeed in her own strength. It’s beautiful and motivating!

Mar 11 at 03:15 AM

This is perfect PERFECT if you are in a situation that makes you feel powerless.

Feb 07 at 12:09 AM

Thank you so much Emily ❤️❤️ I really appreciate your thoughtful response. You are SO KIND and it made me feel warm inside! ❤️ I have screenshotted your response to read over and over again. Thank you

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /337

Jan 16 at 03:17 AM

Utter bliss! Such fun playlist!! I loved the flute work at the bar. I’m still working on those sitting hip thingies (the one pictured in the thumbnail). They are soooo hard for me! Lots of bounces - this is great if you feel sluggish and in need of a good detox.

Jan 12 at 01:03 AM

Sending so much love you beautiful human ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Jan 05 at 06:13 AM

Hey Faith! In the meantime I suggest signature 60 135 boy bands vs girl bands. There’s an elongated stretch in the beginning, middle and end. (A lot of the work includes hip stretches as well!) And WOW SO MUCH SWEAT.

Another one is m/30 150. Sweaty sweaty with longer stretch at the end! X