Jenny Groener


Dec 03 at 02:27 PM

Marnie/MBody Mantra: I may have the wording mixed up: You haven't come this far to only come this far!! It always makes me smile - it's always during rolling push ups or cardio - it's always inspirational. Another mantra from childhood that I've found myself saying a lot over the past few years is EGBOK. I like to say it like it sounds, EGGBaaK.. it means Everything's going to be OK. It was from an a.m. radio local morning show in L.A.. My sister and I say it to each other a lot - even when things are really bad, because, things have to be ok eventually. Thanks for listening. I appreciate this community very very much. xo



Nov 09 at 09:13 AM

Helping my Mom out with some things this morning! Love y'all. Will catch up later. Have a lovely day or night wherever in the world you are today/tonight! xo Jenny G



Nov 05 at 04:19 PM

What a great video. I had to pause a lot to try to look at all of you lovely peeps. And then I'd start tearing up - happy tears! There's Aya! I heard the name Jill! Jill S? Cole? Jess L? Kerry K's lovely lovely bright hair! I literally burst into tears at the end when Marnie hugged Tanisha. I miss hugging Tanisha after class, I miss L.P. dancing and challenging me to get lower and lower. This is really good incentive to make it to the next IRL class to meet some of you kids in person! I'm gonna go hug Kevin. Thank you M/Body crew for taping this and posting this! Have a great rest of your weekend Gfam.



Nov 03 at 10:03 AM

1 / 2
2 / 2

Guess what my costume is.... and sweaty selfie after Halloween class! Love you G-Fam! (Beata - I hope this was worth the wait!!)



Nov 03 at 09:58 AM

This is a first for me in a long time: 20 in 20!! lol. I loved that the XXX class was today's class. I needed it. Hope everyone is well. (also, I can't seem to get my halloween pic & sweaty selfie from monday to load up. I'll keep trying!)



Oct 30 at 07:03 PM

Bah Humbug! Not a trick, I have to miss Halloween’s live. Boo! There in ‘spirits’ ! You are all a Treat!

Marnie- have an awesome vaca. We’ll all be good while you’re away!


P.s. I WILL be wearing orange & black. I’ll post a pic Manana. 🎃🎃🎃



Oct 25 at 07:35 AM

It's not showing the sweat up close but it was there kids it was there! This is my mat and this is me Jenny G!



Oct 25 at 07:31 AM

What I REALLY need to do is go to the dentist so I'll work on that too! Big hugs to everyone who faced their procrastinations and fears (dentist in my case)! xo



Oct 22 at 07:59 AM

There in in mind only today while you towel dance! I’ll catch up later. Have a lovely day/night GFam!!



Oct 15 at 11:40 AM

I may need to double up on some travel days. It's something I want to do for myself and to match the 2021 Fall challenge 60 days. I'm one of the Studio OG peeps so I've been doing challenges since they started in 2015. They were all the classes were <60s.. so that's what you did - as many as you could in 60 days. So much sweat...I guess I'm in double digit challenge numbers by now. We were JUST at the end of a challenge when the lock down happened. I was one dot away! lol. As much as I miss the brick and mortar studio and the other teachers, and front desk peeps, and my 7am buddies, and the Saturday 8am crew.. this community that exists now, all over the world, is the greatest thing to happen for us. It's such a gift and I am thankful for it every day. have a great weekend G/Fam.