Jenny Groener


Apr 26 at 09:50 AM

I was about to send a ‘sorry to miss the live’ message and totally spaced it was at 9!!! What is happening to me?! Lols. My sister in law is visiting and I’m totally off schedule in a very relaxed happy way!

Love you guys! Will do it later. Have a great rest of your day 🤗



Mar 18 at 09:23 AM

Gah - gotta miss the live again today. Did m<60 sig 53 just now. Super duper! I get to see my sister in person which is rare these days. As I make my way through this lovely spring day, I will feel all of the g/fam sweating and strengthening and smiling! Have fun! 



Mar 11 at 08:50 AM

Have to miss the live today... Will catch up this afternoon. There in spirit as always and virtual hugs to everyone! xo



Mar 01 at 05:04 PM

G-Peeps, I really appreciated have a little help from Marnie and M/Body crew with this past month's guide. It reminded me of when we were helping each other with tips to get motivated a few months ago: setting up your space, laying out your clothes ahead of time, little things that can help. Having a guide was so motivating for me.  My stats for last month per week: 6 classes, 2.5 lemon water gulping, 5 days a week adding a veg to B/L/D, deep breaths 7 days a week and showing kindness to others and self 7 days a week. I hope the G/Fam had fun with this one too. I was never a good student, but I seem to have grown into one over the last 9 years of working with Marnie! lols. I actually chug 8 oz of water every morning.. so I just need to work up to 24.  xo



Mar 01 at 10:03 AM

I really loved what Marnie was saying at the beginning of Sunday's live about this space. I had never actually felt like putting myself out there in a community chat until this platform of M/Body began. It feels comfortable being with you virtually and It makes me feel really good that I can pop in and type this right now. I really treasure this and everyone in our M/B Fam.   And, I have to miss the Live today (sigh). xo



Feb 26 at 08:54 AM

Hi Fam! Had plans this morning so have to miss the live - there in spirit as always. Love you! 



Jan 31 at 06:25 PM

Sending Good Vibrations to the G-Fam during tomorrow's Live! I'm taking my mom to an appointment. There in spirit as always and will catch up later. Please give yourselves some love. It's hard and easy at the same time! We got this. xo



Jan 11 at 06:56 AM

Hi G-Fam! Happy eleventh. We are going to the DMV to get our 'realIDs' this morning. Did not think about the timing when we made these appointments months ago. Doh! Hope everyone has a fabulous class and rest of your day/night - there in spirit and will catch up later today. xo



Jan 05 at 02:47 PM

Happy start to 2023 M/Bod-ians! I shortened my user name to 'jennyg'. It's faster to type then jennygroener lol (pronounced gray-ner). I am so thankful for this community of awesome humans. I may not get to shout out to you during live classes (I am a slow typer) all at once. Just know my smiles and heart are always beaming out to all of you during lives. I'm going to be at the IRL L.A. class. I hope to meet some of you in person for the first time and reconnect with some of the OG crew!! So freakin stoked! xo



Dec 13 at 09:56 AM

Threw in a sweaty selfie too. Congrats to everyone who does M/Body whenever they can, challenge or no challenge.! Just getting to the mat is the biggest goal of all. Love you G-Fam. This makes me feel very very happy. xo jenny g