Jenny Groener

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /23

Feb 27 at 04:26 PM

Still perfect. Revisiting all classes in order (or as close to). Favorite is still Too Short natch. A great energetic class with lots of modifications (as always) which I needed today for various reasons. Love to the GFam! Thanks Marnie.

Commented on M/<20 BARRE SWEAT /79

Feb 23 at 09:20 AM

Lovely. Perfect for anyone short on time. You'll get sweaty! Thank you Marnie!

Feb 18 at 05:39 PM

This was a perfect end of the day kick in the butt for my hips and glutes and those side leg areas! Excellent! Thanks Marnie!

Feb 16 at 05:36 PM

This was excellent! I can't wait to try this over an over again to get the choreography down! Glad I have both sizes of M/ovement balls ;)

Commented on M/<45 BARRE SCULPT /28

Feb 15 at 05:55 PM

That was fantastic!

Feb 14 at 05:25 PM

Loved this! Had to miss it live, caught up tonight. A great way to end Valentines Day; sweaty and relaxed and strong! Thank you Marnie!

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /21

Feb 11 at 07:07 AM

Oh that was just perfect! Highly recommend for any new M/Body-ers as a great introduction to the feeling and flow of an IRL Marnie class. xo

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /19

Feb 08 at 04:55 PM

I really appreciated all the words of encouragement and support throughout this class in particular today because I was feeling like I 'had' to do this to meet my own personal goals, and it calmed me down to realize there is no 'had' there is just 'to do' and to be. I really felt you there today. Thank you Marnie.

Feb 07 at 05:57 PM

Ari said it right about a year ago: Sneaky Sweaty! Lovely after walking/hiking. Love doing this as the sun is going down out my back window. Such a great end to the day as well as a start! Thanks M!

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /17

Feb 06 at 04:47 PM

Excellent! I really enjoyed using my two different sized movement balls during the standing barre work; The regular size for parallel work, the mini for behind the knee. The mini was also really comfortable for the sitting ab work! Sublime. Thanks Marnie!