Jenny Groener

Jul 24 at 04:32 PM

That was super great. Really needed this. The pace is really special - Do this one if you haven't yet. xo

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /27

Jul 23 at 09:57 AM

Revisiting for my ' do the catalog in order (when possible) one a day'. This class is so so good. Please try it if you haven't yet. I would like to work on being able to do hip lifts from the elbow. That's this month's goal!

Jul 20 at 09:43 AM

I too am immediately adding this as a favorite. It felt so freaking good and what a perfect pace. LOVE it. Do it!

Jul 19 at 08:41 AM

revisiting this morning (a little late) for Habit Hack. Still totally awesome - if you haven't done this one yet - do it! And I held up both of my legs at the end without falling over! Thanks M!

Commented on M/<30 ARMS + BACK /157

Jul 18 at 04:51 PM

Excellent! Do it if you haven't already!

Jul 17 at 09:22 AM

Amazing class - doing it Sunday morning - took breaths per your instructions M! I'm really happy to be back in the swing with 60s again. I feel like 2019 me. Also per Your end of class epiphany: One thing I love about myself is that I'm a nice person. (it is really hard to compliment oneself! why?!) Thank you for opening me up to do that!! I miss you so much. xo

Jul 15 at 03:08 PM

This was rad. xo

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /177

Jul 14 at 04:00 PM

This is a FANTASTIC class and everyone should do it when they can. It's a Perfect m<60 Signature class. I did the barre work at my kitchen sink and was able to watch my posture and I'm proud to say - I still got it! Add this to your list and do it. You'll thank Marnie you did!

Commented on Changing Perspective

Jul 13 at 01:26 PM

I miss you so much! Thank you for sharing this โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ

Commented on M/<30 BARRE SWEAT /150

Jul 13 at 09:19 AM

Hacked my Wednesday morning habit and did an older class before the Live today. Great flow - Great sweat! I really concentrated on how my feet were grounded and how that kept me out of my hips (always in my hips lol) and that in turn helped me bend my knees more to get lower and that felt really good. I modify like mad (feet issues) so I made sure to move my upper body with as much energy as I could - soundtrack helped! Thanks M!